As Tikal was still on her walk, Tails went inside her stomach. He saw that she already had eaten earlier and the food was already digesting. He took in all the info from what he saw. Tails then decided to look around the area of the stomach, seeing that it was kinda smooth, slippery, and of course pink. That's when Tails figured that Tikal might need to rid her bowels, and wanted to watch. So he flew his ship down the stomach again, but shrunk himself to get past the food in the small intestine. Tails eventually saw a light at the end of the tunnel, and flew out of Tikal's anus, landing on the left cheek of her butt.
Tikal soon felt pressure in her bowels and stopped walking. She couldn't find a toilet around, which is the case being in the middle of the woods. What does Tikal do?
Tikal soon felt pressure in her bowels and stopped walking. She couldn't find a toilet around, which is the case being in the middle of the woods. What does Tikal do?
June 2, 2023
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