· original author:
It should have been simple. The weather was good. The flight just a short hop from London to Stockholm. Completely routine and safe, a passenger flight carrying eager tourists on their way to see some more of the idyllic Swedish countryside. The pilot called ahead, air control gave clearance to land, and the nose of the plane dipped as they began their descent.

But suddenly, a shudder went through the massive machine. It felt as if the metal was... vibrating. The pilots raised an eyebrow, looking over their instruments. The altometer was going wild. So was everything else. Every single instrument was going haywire and if the sky hadn't been clear, there would have been no way to tell where they were actually going.
"What the..." One of the pilots mumbled but he was cut off as the entire plane was suddenly and violently yanked up- and leftwards. With a yelp, the pilot was thrown forward and hit the console. The eyes of the other widened, gripping the manual steering lever and trying to course correct. But no matter how much he tried, the plane would not respond, instead focusing on a new, nonsensical course.

An air-stewardess stumbled into the cabin, a confused look on her face. She didn't even need to speak, the pilot knew what she wanted. Swiftly, he grabbed the radio, making an announcement.
"Dear passengers, we are undergoing a slight turbulence keeping us from landing at the moment. The problem is minor and we will continue our descent in about ten minutes."
A lie, of course. None of them had any idea what was going on, only that the plane was being pulled somewhere. With all their might, they tried to somehow wrangle the machine back onto course but it was impossible. The pilot picked up the radio again.

"Air control, something is happening to our machine. We can't control it and its being pulled somewhere. Do you have any idea what's going on?"
The response was a whir of static. No signal... which was impossible. They had just spoken a few moments ago. Was the radio damaged?

There was no time to speculate as the plane began flying faster towards its unknown destination. It was at this point, the pilot noticed the strange golden shimmer around the nose of the plane, as if an aura surrounded it. Then, something appeared in the distance. The pilot squinted. An anomaly was there in the sky, right in front of them. As if someone had taken a knife and slashed a hole... into the sky. A pale, silver light emanated from what could only be described as a gash in space, replacing the blue of the horizon with something... black. A giant circle of darkness, surrounded by a violet corona.

"What the hell is that?" The co-pilot asked, unable to tear his gaze away from the strange sight.
"I don't know... and I don't know whether I want to find out, either," said the pilot. Once more, he tried to steer away but the force gripping the airplane only pulled them stronger towards the gash. They accelerated, coming closer and closer to the strange phenomenon.

Then, something happened. Something so small but utterly terrifying. The dark dot... blinked. An enormous wall of white descended, giant eye lashes brushing downwards. A moment later, the darkness returned but now the truth was laid bare. The pilot paled as he realized they were flying right towards an enormous eye! Panic gripped him and he began wrestling the controls, flipping switches, doing anything that might give him control over his machine back. Behind him, the stewardess screamed. The co-pilot could only stare...

And then, they went through the gash.

From one moment to the next, the entire scenery changed. Instead of a clear, blue sky, the plane was surrounded by a flurry of colors. White marble walls rose an infinity away, creating an utterly massive room which was in turn filled with equally massive furniture. A giant vanity mirror, decorated with gems. A gargantuan desk with piles of parchment and scrolls lying on top. A bed with deep red sheets.

And on top of this bed, there she was. A titan of a woman staring right at them, almost naked except for her bright orange underwear. The pilots eyes nearly bulged out of his head as he saw her. She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Despite only a bra covering her torso she emanated a regal, elegant aura as if she was a queen. Or, at this size, a living goddess, used to having every single whim fulfilled at the drop of a hat. Her flowing, glowing hair gave her a sense of etherealness. And though her face was strangely shaped, those enormous eyes were deep pools of purple he could get lost in forever.

So amazed by her size and beauty was he that he barely noticed her head vanishing upwards as the plane kept flying forward. Only when he looked forward again did the pilot see that they were heading right towards the twin mountains of her chest. Panic filled him once more. There was no way to avoid a collision with the titan! At this speed they would crash right into her breasts...

But suddenly the entire plane stopped. The pilot, as well as everyone else, was violently thrown forward as the machine froze in the air. The engines were still running... but some invisible force gripped it so tight that they didn't stand a chance against it.
"My, my," the enormous woman said, lowering her head to peek into the cockpit, "What a strange contraption you have made there, my little humans."
Her voice reverberated through the plane. Behind him, the pilot could hear the panicked, confused voices of the passengers. Many of them pushed against the windows to see who was addressing them, only to reel back in horror at the sight of the giantess.

"How very inventive," the enormous woman continued. The plane shook again as her massive hand wrapped around the plane and once more, the pilot was thrown onto the console as the giantess began tipping and turning the machine as if she was merely inspecting a toy for wear and tear.
"I really hope you will be just as productive in your new life, my little humans. If you are... I will be very happy. You know, it is hard to rule over a country. Sometimes a girl just needs some time to herself. And even though I already had a little toy... I doubt he can satisfy all of me. He was so worn out after just one night. But with all of you... I think I'm going to be very happy."

The people on board didn't understand. What was the giantess talking about? Well, only a few really wondered about that. Most were too busy screaming and pushing towards the cockpit, demanding the pilot to do something, anything to get them away from this giantess.
The woman suddenly leaned back and the plane took a nosedive as she lowered it with her. She sprawled her gargantuan body out on the enormous bed, and the people were thrown around the entire plane as she softly sat it down onto her belly. When the pilot got up again, he could only see a wall of orange... and a blush crept onto his face as he realized her face was hidden from view by the mountains that were her boobs. Though the plane was quite large - reaching from the underside of her breasts all the way to her crotch - he was suddenly very aware of just how small he was compared to this goddess. A knot formed in his stomach...

The giggle of the giantess made the ears of the tiny people ring.
"Oh, what am I going to do with all of you? I'm really dying to meet you, you know? Talk and play with each and everyone. But... my other toy was so good that I'm still all wound up. And this flying machine of yours... its the perfect shape to reach certain spots. Spots that a lady really needs scratched every now and again..."

This time, the intention was absolutely clear. But for a moment, it simply didn't set in. Was she... really going to use them as sex toys? The idea seemed absurd. But the way she spoke... the fact that she was lying there in just her underwear... horror set into the minds of the minuscule humans. Panic broke out, the people pushed towards the exits. There was no order, no routine. No one could keep calm as the goddess holding them decided their fate...
June 2, 2023