.. Sent group of specialists to come to intervi...
Stand... by?
You stared blankly at the screen. At the bottom of the email was a gif of a dancing pony; you tried to glean more even though the scroll bar quickly indicated that there wasn't any more to the message.
Leaning back into your seat, you scratched at your temples and your brow furrowed.
Specialists? What the heck did that mean?
You thought they would just want to conduct an interview over the phone or through a video app, but apparently, they decided to send someone over to interview you in person.

You don't know a whole lot about the entertainment biz; until recently you were just a poor schmuck working in a cubicle for a living, but whether it was the odd formatting of the email, or the vague language used therein, something about this felt highly irregular.
And, it appearing just when you got the confirmation that you'd been let go seemed like an eerie coincidence, almost scarily so.

You looked again at the address and skimmed over the email, then hummed to yourself. It looked official and legitimate enough; it wasn't directly from Hasbro but you're pretty sure you recognized the fansite.
Not exactly at the top of the list but not really all that obscure, either.

Your eyes wandered over to your front door as if you expected someone to knock at that very moment.
The doorframe was silent.
You waited with your eyes trained on the entrance, almost willing for something to happen; you waited for a full minute just staring at the door before you closed your eyes and sighed.
Of course, it's probably nothing. You don't know why you put your expectations so high based on one email, one that you couldn't even properly verify as genuine.

You lifted yourself out of your chair and trudged over to the bathroom to take your morning shower. At the very least you can try to get yourself cleaned up and into nice clothes in case someone does come.

What happens next?
June 2, 2023