Over the next couple of days the lone egg cell rapidly multiplied , fuelled by the healthy dose of genetic material you provided.
You bore the dubious honor of being the offspring of a quiet possibly the youngest father ever, a colt barely developed enough to produce sperm, let alone father a child. You hope at least that he had impregnated someone mature enough to take care of a child, if that poor colt had knocked up someone near to his own age the outcome would very likely be... bad.
Somehow, you regained consciousness halfway through the process of mitosis and became aware of the pink, pulsing sack in which you found yourself, though you were unable to move lacking limbs.

You knew that whoever was going to be your mobile home for the next eleven months was on the move, the fluids insider her leaped and swayed as she walked. You could not tell if your would-be father was nearby, but you had a feeling that wouldn't be very far away. The vibration of a voice traveled through the layers of fat and muscle to the womb's interior, a voice that sounded so close by that you could almost hear it.
You strained your non-existent ears to listen closely to what was being said, and your efforts were rewarded when you picked up strains of the sounds of...
June 2, 2023