You gotta win the race of life like any other g...
"It seems that the Equestria you're the most compatible with, and closest to what you specified in the quiz does exist, but the perfect receptacle or individual that has most similar wavelength to your soul does not, but t potential "parents" sort of speak, do exist. My magic is trying to justify your existence and is going through the male side to achieve it and thus you're going to be teleported to the inside of somepony's package. You gonna have to win the race of life in the traditional way, start as a sperm cell, and win it as one." the goddess explained.

Your shoulder's slumped. Of course, it wasn't going to be that easy. How in the world were you going to be able to win a race against potentially billions of other sperm?

The woman observed your suddenly soured mood and offered up a placating smile to attempt to cheer you up. "Oh don't worry, even if you lose it's not like it's a one-and-done deal. Each time you fail you'll get transported to the next set of testicles to try again, and in Equestria, stallions are a hot commodity so I doubt it would take long for you to get a second chance. You're just going to have to be patient."

"How long will that take, though? I don't want to spend any more time as a sperm than I have to," you countered.

The woman laid her forearm under her chin for a moment and looked pensive for a moment. "Oh, I don't know. It's hard to say, really. It could be a few hours, or it could take a few days depending on the circumstances. Given a stallion's relative rarity compared to mares and the sex-hungry reputation of the female sex I'd say that there's statistically your odds are good that you'll end up in somepony's rece[tive womb fairly quickly..."

Her speech trailed off as she realized that you were no longer in the room. While she had been musing to herself the golden light from before consumed your body and sent you packing into the next world.

The goddess took a single cursory look around the empty office before she realized, "Oh, buck. I didn't even get to tell him the best part!"

June 2, 2023