From Bat to Worse
· original author:
When you tried to push down on the statue, your hand slipped and was cut open by one of the statue's fangs. You stumbled back and fall to the floor. When you get back up, you see some of your blood on the statue's tongue. You became worried as you saw the blood sink into the stone.

"This is gonna cost me."


Flutterbat had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres just after sunset. She flew into a tree and ravenously sucked two apples dry. She was about to continue feeding when she a voice coming from below her.

"Daggumit! Twi, Fluttershy's gone all batty again!" She looked behind herself and saw Applejack glaring at her. The angry mare was soon flanked by Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh.

"I don't understand it; the last spell should have removed all traces of the bat from her system..." The young princess was perplexed by this pony's predicament. "Applejack, you wouldn't happen have another giant apple to spare, would you?" She said as she started to sweat.


"Maybe we could just get Big Mac to shake his flank at her!" Twilight and Applejack both groaned at Rainbow suggestion while Big Mac stared down at the ground, his face becoming even redder.

"Do y'all really she that she'd fall fer that cuz his cutie mark is a big green, apple?"

"That and I think it looks pretty big and juicy." Rainbow sticks out her tongue as Big Mac's face become redder still.

As Flutterbat reach for another apple to feast upon, she feels her hunger for apples vanish and replaced with something else. Now she was hungry for blood. She looked back at the four standing before her and no longer saw them as other creature that would keep her from her food, now they were her prey. She swooped down and lunged at Applejack, who barely dodged the bite that was aimed at her throat.

"Whoa! What in tarnation is going on?!" Applejack yelled as her and her companions started to run away from the crazed mare.

"I don't AJ," Twilight called out as her horn started to light up. "But I'm going to find out!" She then disappeared in a flash of light.

"What the... Did Twi just ditch us?" Applejack yelled when she saw the now empty space.

"No way AJ, I just know she's working on something right now." Rainbow called out before she felt Flutterbat nearly take a bite out of her butt.


"This is much worse now! My body is trying to eat my friends!" Fluttershy's mind shouts out.

"Fluttershy, I'm so sorry about all of this. I promise that I'll-" You were interrupted when a bright flash of light appeared behind you felt yourself tackled to the floor. You turn over and see that a disoriented Princess Twilight Sparkle was above you.

"Ugh... what did I crash into?" Once she regains her focus, her eyes widen before they harden into a glare. She points her now glowing horn at your throat. "Who are you?! What are you doing in Fluttershy's head?!" She snaps at you.

"Twilight, wait!" Fluttershy's voice call out, making the alicorn pull back and stop her horn from glowing. "This Mage is my friend, and me turning into a bloodthirsty bat was an accident!" As Fluttershy talks, the purple princess climbs off you. "That smashed statue was what suppressed the bat. If you can fix it, I'll go back to normal." Twilight nods at this.

"While that's a good plan, it will take longer to repair this statue than explaining and enacting this other plan I've concocted."

"What's the plan, your highness?" You ask her as you get back on your feet.

"I'll need your help with this Mage. One of us will go to the master control room and manually take control of Fluttershy's body while the other will head to the instinct control room and delete the bat instinct once and for all. Once Fluttershy's back under control, when can then repair the statue with without pressure and make her a normal pegasus once again. Does that sound good?"

"Yes, definitely, Princess."

"Good, and just call me Twilight. So which assignment will you go with?"

"I'll go to the...
June 2, 2023
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