You decide that the stairs around too big of a mystery to leave unsolved. You gently close the door behind you before headed up the stairs. Looking at the walls, you start to see a pattern on them that seems familiar to you, but you can't seem to put your finger on it. After several minutes of climbing, to reach the top of these stairs and come to a landing with two more sets of stairs. There's a sign on the wall that indicates where the stairs lead. The arrow to the left points at the stairs leading upwards and read: Master Control, Dream Projection and Memory Archives. The right arrow points at the downward stairs and listed off Sensory Input, Internal Functions and Spinal Cord. Reading this off causes you to recognise the wall's pattern and realise where you are; you're inside of Fluttershy's brain! You're not sure why there were stairs inside a pony's brain or why there are apparently rooms as well, don't you choose to cast those thoughts aside. The important thing to do is explore Fluttershy's insides, no matter how bizarre. The big thing you should be wondering is which set of stairs you should take.
June 2, 2023
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