"...Inside my body."
· original author:
"...Inside my body."

If that didn't leave Sonic and Cream dumbfounded, nothing will. They were having questions ring in their head, like how he even got the emeralds in him, how Eggman didn't detect them in him, or how he made sure they stayed in his body for who knows how long?

Sonic decided to ask those questions, and one by one earned a reply.

"First of all, Eggman couldn't detect them because I shrunk them down inside a sphere that blocks anything he would use to search for them, I either swallowed it or used a...tool to get them inside me, and lastly I made it so the sphere attaches itself to the walls of my body no matter what touches it, preventing it from leaving. Whew, that was a mouthful."

"I would agree," Sonic said, "but does that mean we have to use your ship to go inside you to find them?"

Tails nodded.

"Okay, Tails. Where in your body did you hide them?"

"Well..." he hesitated, "...they're in my..."
June 2, 2023
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