Check out cyberspace and encounter a virus
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You decided to enter the cyberspace of the Hinata Inn.

As you wandered the Cyberspace of Hinata Inn, you noted that there were a lot of turtles that represented various programs.

‘Ah, Su. You and your interest in turtles,’ You thought as the various turtles occasionally stopped to stare at you. You had the feeling you were being followed, but every time you turned around, there was a virtual version of the flying Hot Springs Turtle right behind you.

Had the turtles not kept looking at you, you’d have known that you were actually being followed by a non-turtle shaped program.

Eventually, you were getting tired of being surprised by turtle programs, so you used a little magic to boost your jumping ability. After a quick test, you leapt to and fro until you were outside the security routes of Su’s programs.

You sat down on a tower-shaped thing and just stared. It was like being in a major city and enjoying the building-filled horizon. Various towers, giant statues (like a turtle-shaped ones and statues of the Hinata honeys), various types of train tracks, and towers covered with TV screens littered the landscape. Far off was a rainbow wall, making you wonder if it was the firewall. A far-viewing spell let you see there were some holes, a number of them being guarded by either turtle robots or virtual versions of Tachikomas. You did make sure to remember the few unguarded ones. After all, you might need them someday.

“Nice place for a picnic, if the real world ever gets too hectic,” you muttered.

“It’s also a nice place to find a husband!” a voice said.

You turned around, seeing a three story tall busty shortstack chibi woman. She wore glasses, a white polo shirt, a black tie, a black skirt, and white stockings. Her dark brown hair was cut in a bob. Her hands lacked fingers, but she could still hold onto stuff, as she was climbing onto the roof you were on.

“Who are you?” you asked.

“I am a virus created by Yuko Watanabe, so call me Yuko Virus ! My original function was to alter Breast size data,” The Giant Chibi replied. “My new function will be your wife!”

“What makes you think I’ll let that happen?” You asked as you prepared a spell.

She pointed one of her fingerless arms at you and said, “This! Silence!”

You felt the spell you were preparing just vanish. You asked, “What the? How did you do that?”

“After my defeat by a giant bra crushing me, I upgraded myself over the years, using computer games,” Yuko Virus answered as she walked towards you. “Particularly the spells from RPGs, like Silence.”

“I can still speak, so it doesn’t work,” You replied. You went to cast another spell, only to find that not only could you not build up magic energy, you couldn’t even say the name of any spell.

“Oh ho ho ho!” Yuko Virus uttered, covering her mouth with one of her limbs to make a noblewoman’s laugh. “Silence only affects magic! Don’t you play Video games?”

“...Right,” You muttered, feeling embarrassed at your brain fart. You began to step back, knowing that unless programmed in, virtual reality doesn’t have fall damage.

Yuko Virus quickly ran towards you and grabbed you, hugging you in her massive boobs. “Oh, you feel so good! We’re gonna spend forever making love!”

“Let me go!” You yelled. You twisted and turned, trying to escape, only winding up further in the virus’s bosom. Once you were pressed against her tie, strings sprouted from it, binding you to the tie and freeing Yuko Virus’s hands.

She held out a necklace, smushing her breasts together a little. Yuko Virus said, “This will be the ring that I’ll put you on at our wedding!”

You recognized it as an Amulet of Absolute Obedience. Once she put it on you, you’d obey her, no matter what. If she ordered you to love her, then you’d love her.

“And now to make my guards!” She said before exhaling a number of flying vacuum robots. “Any woman that dares to try and stop our lovely union will have to deal with expanding breasts!”

Yuko Virus produced an umbrella and floated down. Once on the ground, she began to walk towards the firewall, probably one that was unprotected.

One of Yuko's drones attacked a program that looked like Naru. The drone shot out a tube with a pair of suction cups that attached to the Naru-shaped program's chest. A few sections later, the Naru program's breasts expanded so much that she fell over, pinned to the ground by her over-sized tits.
June 2, 2023