You continue to explore
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Eventually, the trees thin out and you emerge into a wide-open field split by a long asphalt road running into the horizon in both directions. On the other side is a vast hilly plain covered in green grass swaying in the wind dotted with vibrant wildflowers.
The air smells amazingly sweet here and it feels like every new breath you take fills you to bursting with energy.

Amidst the rolling terrain is a large colorful looking village bisected by a river with a large imposing building in the center which seems to be a town hall of sorts.

Past the village is more hills and mountains where herds of sheep and cattle graze to their heart's content free of any human influence.

Resting on a hill is a clean looking white castle overlooking the village, its parapets flying pennants of many colors, and its towers colored in a vibrant sky blue.

What will happen next?
June 2, 2023
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