Servants and their families I collected for you.
Traveling the Multiverse
Chapter 18
· original author:
"In truth I gathered people from many different worlds to serve in your castle and settle this little world you've created. I was so worried that you might be lonely out there, so I brought you plenty of girls for companionship, and to potentially keep your bed warm," your grandma explained, in a rather blunt hinting manner you night add. Even from eons away she still knew how to make you flustered.
"Grandma, you really shouldn't have..." Though you were thankful for the thought, you weren't really sure what to make of her "gift."
"Well, I did, and there's not a lot you can do about it. These girls are expecting you and I don't want you to leave them disappointed. Why not pop into the town and say hello? There's plenty of girls from a myriad of different lifestyles and backgrounds, and some of them are even giant! I know how much you like those."
Yousighed in defeat as you knew that tone of voice left no room for discussion. You lifted the envelope and gave the magical paper a kiss. "...Thank you Grandma. Thanks for the gift," you stated in a flat monotone.
The crinkled paper cackled, then said with glee, "Don't mention it sonny boy. And don't hesitate to drop a line for your dear old granny."
With that, the envelope crumpled in on itself and disappeared in a gout of flame.
Well, shit. What are you going to do now?
"Grandma, you really shouldn't have..." Though you were thankful for the thought, you weren't really sure what to make of her "gift."
"Well, I did, and there's not a lot you can do about it. These girls are expecting you and I don't want you to leave them disappointed. Why not pop into the town and say hello? There's plenty of girls from a myriad of different lifestyles and backgrounds, and some of them are even giant! I know how much you like those."
Yousighed in defeat as you knew that tone of voice left no room for discussion. You lifted the envelope and gave the magical paper a kiss. "...Thank you Grandma. Thanks for the gift," you stated in a flat monotone.
The crinkled paper cackled, then said with glee, "Don't mention it sonny boy. And don't hesitate to drop a line for your dear old granny."
With that, the envelope crumpled in on itself and disappeared in a gout of flame.
Well, shit. What are you going to do now?
June 2, 2023
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