Luckily, you had clone bodies in your realm.

You have a clone, in fact, you have dozen of clones ready, and in reserv. You did have your own realm ready and utilizable for your use, you were already cheating death as soon you knew biomancy and your grandmother even encouraged it as mages often met their end very early on their life without proper precaution and those that planned ahead far lived longer.

Your grandmother says that she did die multiple times and those clones were life-savers

And thus, you left the Sonic Multiversal Cluster and retreated far back to a tiny realm, a realm you had made and dragged with you wherever you went. It was an artificial realm, one that holds a single, small world, surrounded by a dark, purple mist with small arcane sigils, symbols, and circles, filling it like stars in the dark sky, with the largest and predominant one being visible from the surface acting as a moon; a massive, more intricated arcane circle, being orbited by another yet smaller arcane triangle surrounded by signets and others arcane glyphs.

All those held a function, however, the biggest ones were inscribed to hold together the artificial universe within the void between dimensions, the grand majority, especially the smallest one, was mostly for decoration, a starless sky was ominous and eerie and thus, you filled it with just glowing glyphs, but other had different functions, as it shows what universes and dimension were in the vicinity, the bigger and flashy it gets, then it shows the closest one to you.

This place worked as an observatory as well as a personal retreat for you; some mages have their own interpretation for their own realm, sometimes, a total replication from something of their past or just a vast array of temples, buildings, or platforms barely interconnected with one another, floating in a grey, misty void.

Yours weren't such a realm, however. While in truth, it was a replication, it was from something one of your fantasies, while the oceanic world was mostly conjured water, there was one mass of land that you carefully made, it was a large island where it's center lies a castle with damage tower on its center, your mage tower.

You descended to the island, the island itself was of the tropical side, it was littered with fauna and flora, the former being a mix of cloned species and magical constructs driven by manifested instincts given shape and form, a side effect from the heavy use of magic in this artificial plane.

However, as you descended...
June 2, 2023