You were on the middle battlefield between Omel...

You heard the loud explosion from behind you the moment you come out of the portal, out of reflex, you erected an bubble shield that cover your entire being, on the confusion and chaos, you saw that there was multiple eggpawns and other bots coming in from multiple streets and alleys fighting what seemingly to be an colorful blurs moving in toward them, mowing them down.

You appeared on the middle of a battlefield.


"What is tha-" you heard someone, female but you couldn't identify the voice. You felt the shield being pounded by something or rather crashing on it, you carry on holding more of those eggpawns were now seeing your shield as treat and began attacking to it, in the games were comical round mobs things easily to kill but seeing those on person, whose height was dwarfed over your, towering over it.

You gotta to get out, you don't know if you gonna survive this and the shield was starting to break-
June 2, 2023
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