· original author:
The princess of the Acorn Kingdom did not look anything like you expected.
Sally was dressed very modestly in a white sport tee filled out by two great big melons, and green camouflage cargo pants that were well pressed and bore the insignia of the house of Acorn.
Her well combed hair was pulled back with a red headband, much as in the show and the comic from which she came.
Though she still stood head and shoulders above your puny frame she appeared to be somewhat shorter than the others you've met, though her wide hips and curvaceous, stocky frame more than made up for that deficiency, however.

Sally leaned down with her cleavage in full view and regarded you with a warm smile, and her voice was dulcet and soothing. “Hey there, little guy, my name is Sally. I heard that you had a bad run-in with one of those nasty Eggpawns.”
First impressions are important, so you decided to pay your respects the best that you could with a little head bow. “My name is Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
You reached out to shake her outstretched hand and shook it, and the fur on her wrist tickled your palm. “I thank you for coming to visit me, miss, but uh, I’m sure that you have better priorities than to come to see little old me. Maybe another injured Mobian, perhaps.”

Sally acknowledged your gesture with a gentle tap to your nose, then responded, “Nonsense, you’re no less important than anyone else. It’s not every day you get to meet one of the few human males in the world all the way out here outside of your cities. I’d say that makes you pretty darn special. Special enough to warrant a personal visit.”
“Well then, in that case, what do I owe the pleasure?”
Sally stood up straight, making her barely-contained breasts jiggle slightly. “We’ve determined that your presence here as the only male human in the kingdom makes you an important asset to the kingdom. That’s why I came here, to check on you to see if you’re well enough to take you back with me.”

You slowly nodded and tried to keep your tone neutral to not betray your thoughts. "And by “we” you mean your mother, the queen wants me.”

Sally’s eyes widened and wrapped her hands around yours. “Not just her. I want to help you, too. To see a male get caught in the line of fire is abhorrent and it never should have happened. To be honest, I can’t help but feel partially responsible for you lying in that hospital bed. It would only be right to make it up to you by transferring you to the royal infirmary so that we… I… can keep a close eye on you.”

Ignoring that light sexism in her words, you thought carefully about what the princess was saying. A stay in the royal palace would be a nice change of venue, though you still had a few questions that you needed to be answered first.
“Do I get to meet your mother?” you asked.
Sally made a face. “Yes, though you should be forewarned that she can be a little clingy and may try to babytalk you. She has some… peculiar views about men that may put you off. Don’t worry her though, she’s ultimately harmless.”
You nodded. Duly noted. “Okay, then. Do I get to keep the nurses I already have?”

“I don’t see why not. I can get them transferred over with no problems, especially since they were volunteering in the first place.”

The room went silent save for the distant noise of the TV as you made your verdict. Then, you laid back onto the pillow as you got very comfortable and closed your eyes.
“Alright, then. I’ll go with you.”

A wide grin broke out on Sally’s face and the bed shook as she gave a short excited hop. “That’s great! I’ll get your release form signed and we’ll get you out of here in a jiffy.”

Sally left you then to get your papers signed, and you dozed off to sleep.
June 2, 2023