Off to the rabbit house.
· original author:
They quickly but still gently moved you towards the exit and nothing bad seemed to have happened. They leave with you safely on the wheelchair.
"Luckily Amy and Rouge didn't try anything." Cream whispers to her mother.
"I know Creamy, don't let him know alright." Vanilla whispers back to her daughter and luckily for them you didn't hear them about that. You were still wondering about the details of the man-eater plague but now was not the time to be asking that, at their home at a later time would be better.

"I hope you won't mind living in a more secluded house mister." Vanilla says smiling warmly down to you.
"That sounds for the better, means I can rest up more easily." You say smiling back at both rabbits.
"Indeed it does. Just the three of us." Cream says more cheerful and happy now.
They were moving you on your wheelchair through the sidewalk as you to to see many amazonian mobians with seemingly no male in sight among the pedestrians.

After a while they were strolling you out of the city and towards the countryside where they live. Most of the roads were also just dirt roads.
"Oh mom, I think we have an issue. It will get too bumpy if we keep pushing him with the wheelchair." Cream says.
"Yes you're right Creamy. Seems we'll need a different method for the rest of the walk." Vanilla says.
You then speak up. "How about you carry me? That should be an easy solution."
Cream pats your head gently. "Yes but we'll need to walk extra slow to make sure you're comfy. Oh mom, you can run ahead and get the car. That's faster and safer for him." She says.
Vanilla smiles and then speaks as well. "You're right Creamy, you probably want that so he can sit in your lap as well. I also have a solution that's even faster but it may not be the most fun for you."
"Why's that?" You ask confused.

Vanilla gulps a bit nervously. "I was thinking about swallowing you. You would have a gentle descent down my throat so it won't open any wounds and you'll be safe and warm inside my stomach. However, while going down my throat is gentle, going up would be rougher so that means that once you're swallowed by me I can't let you out until you've healed enough.." She says.

"So to summarize. You can carry me for a long walk, Vanilla can get the car and I'll sit in Cream's lap or I'll live in Vanilla's stomach for the time being." You say.
Both rabbits nod. "I guess you should decide mister." Cream says then whispers to her mother. "I can join him in your tummy right mom?"
"Of course Creamy." Vanilla whispers back.

You then tell them your choice.
Which is it?

June 2, 2023