Small Amazon Bunny First
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“I think I’ll take Cream first. If that’s ok with everyone”. Vanilla gave a nod of agreement and though both Cheese and Chocola made a chao noise of sadness they agreed as well. “Yay! I get to go first with [Y/N]”. She immediately pounced you on top of the bed. Luckily being only a bit taller than you from her breasts up she wasn’t that heavy when she landed on you. It’s also a good thing that you quickly activated an endurance spell that would let your body withstand larger weights while also giving you plenty of energy. She lifted her head to gaze into her eyes blushing a bit before kissing you on the lips. Her lips felt so soft and amazing against yours. She parted her lips to look at you once more to say, “Oh [Y/N]… you don’t how much I wanted to do this”. “Yeah… sorry to keep you waiting for a while”. She lifted herself up halfway only leaving the lower part of her body laying on top of you still. You then see her reach back until you felt her grab your large member which was now fully erect thanks to aphrodisiac they gave you. Cream slowly lifted up her rear to guide it right above your cock before slamming it back down and having your cock slide quickly into her pussy. She let out a small scream which quickly turned into soft moans. “Are you ok Cream” She nodded yes then saying, “Mom always told me that having a cock inside would feel good. But I didn’t know it would be THAT good!”.

Cream then proceeded to move her body up and down. You can feel your member sliding in and out of her wet tunnel while being constantly squeezed by her inner muscles. You couldn’t help reach out and grabbed her soft cream furred ass. “Ooh! You’re a very naughty man [Y/N]”. “Hey, I’m trying to enjoy how good your body feels inside and out. She giggles a bit before moving her body up and down some more. Meanwhile, the aphrodisiac was affecting your magic once more and started traveling through your body out your cock and started flowing into Cream. She started to moan a bit before yelling out, “Ahh… my body… it feels so hot. You then watched right in front you as her breasts started to grow going from B to DDs. Her ass started to grow as well as you felt your hands sinking into each cheek as you held onto them. Vanilla let out a gasp seeing the changes made to Cream but not one of worry but amazement making her blush. Final change you wouldn’t be able to notice is your magic affecting her womb and ovaries. You didn’t know the breeding rates of these amazoness women, especially them being rabbits, but your magic definitely increased it to a higher possibility. Cream examines herself of the improvements you made to her body before smiling and giving you a kiss. “Thank you [Y/N]”. You were confused that all that just happened but you smiled for her. She continued to ride you and you feeling her muscles milking your cock even more. After a while you were starting to feel your were getting close as your cock began to throb harder and your filled to the brim balls started pulsing. Cream was moving at an even faster pace and just when you felt like you were at your limit you grabbed her large plush ass hard and slammed her down on your cock making your tip barely reach her cervix. You let out a moan as you felt most of the contents of your balls escape into your cock and then shoots out and starts flowing into Cream’s womb. Cream can feel your hot seed enter her causing her to look straight up at the ceiling and let her tongue out while giving out the most pleasurable moan. Inside, your plentiful magic seed started swimming all around her womb till it went and found a couple of eggs and started swarming them. Some managed to enter fertilizing them and latching onto the uterine walls.

Both you and Cream were recovering from that amazing first session. You saw that Cream had a bit of a sparkle in her eyes showing that she really enjoyed herself. “Come on [Y/N] let’s go again” Before anything could happen you hear Vanilla, “Not so fast Cream. You can’t be greedy. He still has others he needs to satisfy. After everyone has a turn and he still feels like it then you can have another turn with him”. Cream looked disappointed but listened to her mother. “Awww… ok Mama”. She slowly rise up and pulls out your cock from her rabbit hole. She then climbs off the bed and joins the others waiting for her possible turn again. During the meanwhile she couldn’t help examine more the improvements to her body. You now had three girls left to satisfy… for now. You took a moment and you chose…
June 2, 2023
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