Vanilla smiled warmly at you "It is fine [N/Y], we understand your fears and it's perfectly valid. I confess our choices were abit sudden and surprising, you're free to stay with us as long as you want as our guest." You smiles at her and nodded.

"Thank you, Mis-, Vanilla, You and your Daughter are most kind but... I don't wanna be a freeloader." You say, this time, Cream was the one answering with a cheerful expression.

"It's alright! We do enjoy your company!"

"Cream is right your company is good enough." Vanilla says warmly but she and her daughter glance on each other and nodded while you still eat, not noticing that they are to enact plan B, seeing that all the other forward options to keep you here weren't working. You were a guest yes but for how long?

The Plan B was...
June 2, 2023
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