You opted to go for their privates.
While going throught their more safer and accessible holes on the faces, you eventually are going traveling all the way downwards and you don't even know if the cells would even let you go there on the first place, for all you know and taking this as a shortcut was a good idea as any, you were entering royalty which might as well going on the sneaky way and if they discover you on any chance, well, better say sorry and forgiveness than permission, you have the means to get out when things turns more hairy should they become irrational about it.

And so you soared straight toward the exposed parts of the couple's covers, going further down alongside the Royal's titanic bodies, flying low or within and above their gigantic forested yet colorful fur, ignoring the warmth emanate from them and around until arriving what you were looking for; On one side was Princess' barrel, visible were the rather imprestive yet mountainous milky teats almost inviting you to explore it's cavernous depths and dip into her internal ocean of her royal nectar but what intrigues you was the princess maker within her barrel, ready for the next wave of royal genetic cocktail needed to make the next Princess or Prince. On the other side was Shining Armor's own private spear, extended and armed ready, complete with the two huge balls pulsing and shifting, dangling and full with Shining's trained little 'soldiers' and production of more, meant to create more blessed and talented progeny and descendant of his important bloodline that heralded him and her alicorn sister.

You looked between the two and decide on...
June 2, 2023