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Below you lay a breathtaking vista stretching from the base of the mountain all the way to the very edge of the cliff on which the city sits, a sprawl of. towers and buildings. capped with pennants fluttering in the wind like a series of castle parapets, only outshine by the biggest and most beautiful structure of all, the Royal palace, residents of the two alicorn sisters and the seat of Equestrian government.

Yes, you were indeed in Canterlot And you couldnt be any more excited to be here. You floated gently in the cool breeze, using a minimal amount of magic to fly so you can get a good look at the ground below with a magnifying spell. Thousand of colorful specks walked along the streets like technicolored ants, going about their lives completely unaware of your existence, just like you liked it.

If you're going to enter a pony's inner world you're going to think carefully and put much thought and consideration into the choices you makem
June 2, 2023
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