Staying awhile and listening.
You rather no be hasty and instead see and hear what are they talking about, besides, it would be an wrong go forth and venture into one of their bodies just like that, you were curious on whats going on.

"So how are the invitation going?" Celestia asked, Luna simply rolled her eyes.

"Sister, the Sparkle Family are invited since they're the closest by living here in Canterlot." Luna deadpan but explained more. "I did try reaching the other elements bearers progenitors and family members but I don't think they might come in time.."

"Maybe I should be the one reaching them but I don't expect them to come by the first day." Celestia noted.

"Aren't the parents of one of them, Applejack's, dead?" Cadence asked with an risen eyebrown "Won't that be insensitive if we do include all their families but not hers?"

"...Maybe we should focus on this private get together on Canterlot on being only those in the city and closest to Twilight, her friends and closest associated of them, this incluse her family and other friends that were made here, meanwhile, we should think on how to include all the others in the next Get-Together." Celestia clarified, Luna nodded with an grinning her own, Cadence looked like exploding from giddiness.

"Yes, we should~! I've been looking forward for this get together for quite a while! I can't wait!" She says barely containing her excitement, down to even rubbing her hooves together, Celestia smiles softly on her antics before shaking her head while Luna grins shrunk to an small yet amusing smile or her own.

"Dear Nephew, control yourself." Luna states "Were been looking forward for this as well but we can't be hasty, we have some preparation to make on the palace's ballroom-"

"Actually, I already made the preparations." Celestia interrupted "I wanted it all to be prepared and done early for tomorrow morning."

On that, they continue talking for a few minutes but you didn't heard much of it, prefering to analyze on what little you heard of the conversation; An Get Together? With Twilight and her friends, including her family, that would be interesting, the roster seems to grow and grow but they gonna be arriving tomorrow, originally you wanted to get into the princesses but it seems that you could just wait a little more, grew more to an more manageable size hide in an section of the castle.

"Well, this little meeting adjuncted, it's decided that tomorrow, it's gonna be an quite busy day but today I have some du ties to uphold. "

"Indeed Sister, I should be off now, As Princess of the Night I shouldn't show up his early, is still not time to rise the moon."

"Agreed." Cadence "I should be looking for Shining now, he said he was gonna visiting some old friends in the barracks while also looking on Flurry, long time had happened and I'm getting a bit worried." She confess, the princess of love had this slightly worried look.

After that, the princesses went to their separate ways, on in this case, Celestia stayed on the throne room while the other two went on they went on different doors, this was your chance to get following into one of the princesses while they were position and you opted for...
June 2, 2023