Rarity's Mother with Sweetie Belle
... You gonna be in a friend of mine's house! Well, former home. It is of her family where she was raised before she got her own house which also doubles as her workplace." Twilight paused, who is she talking about? "The house belongs to Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks and their second daughter and my youngest apprentice, Sweetie Belle." Oh so was Rarity's parents. You guessed that it'll be alright. Twilight continued, her expression was a bit encouraging, if a bit forced "I talked a bit with them, they really don't mind on hosting you on their home as it does have a few guess rooms available in their homes, one used to be belong to their first daughter and my friend, Rarity, before she moved out." Twilight explained but then let an sigh, before you could ask why she looks let down, she decided to elaborate. "I'm sorry, I'm just... dissappointed that I can't help you with this beyond asking other ponies to host you for the time being until your training is completed or much early if I find a way to prepare the some of the rooms for guests."

"I think it's fine, although I'd rather no to intrude other people's home but I know when things are out of our control, I thought on going to the Mayor on those days and talk for a propiety while I'm taking lessons from you, Princess." You try to reassure as well give some reasoning, this couldn't be a permanent arrangement, it isn't and won't be. Even if you gonna be sleeping on the Rarity's family home, you'd rather to own your own place, surprisely Twilight shook her head in denial but gave you an smile on return.

"That won't be necessary, I do outrank the Mayor, remember? I'll see if I can give you an permanent place while you're under my tutelage be it in my place or an home in the town, it's could be an good gaining of experience too in the term royal bureaucracy, it can't be too hard... right?" She said althought that little question at the end now makes you doubt on her words considering that's tempting the universe to tell her otherwise, still, outside of what was said, you hoped that she'll find an a way to fulfill her word, you felt there is something else she isn't saying or something happening on the background she overlooked and now you felt an bit uneasy.

Could it being nervous? It could be, after what she revealed about her fellow mares and subjects being kind of hardcore and you just were considered yourself lucky as for no one decided to pounce at you and make you their sexual slaves, you remembered that this is a world where amazonians mares rules the planet and if the male population is that small and physical inferior on comparison, they going feral for you might be as well be literal and you are just lucky.

You might have invest defensive spells, tons of charms and enchantments.

The allure of the amazonian world was still there, however, it makes your chances to get laid here far faster but you gotta be picky with your partners until things become out of hands, the need of your magic expansion is priority, the rest is optional but very encouraging and enticing.

"Just before you go, try on using an invisibility or cloaking spell, just for precautions. You were lucky there coming here without it but luck won't guarantee to happen again, it might result you being missing and hips broken - continuously - by an mare that sees you again and get daring this time around.

"Right.." You bow, gracefully which made her blink "Thank you for everything, your highness." She giggles.

"It's fine, I did told you to call me Twilight." She says with an smile "Also, it is nothing, I'm glad to help a new friend in need, we all in this town are, don't get me wrong, but when an male is around, some of us can be quite wild.." She added quite sheepish but she didn't stopped "You didn't quite saw this kind of "welcome to Equestria" coming, right? I feel it would've been better - and easier - if my friends were here to help you and give you and wonderful welcome but, well, you did arrived in a difficult time, so this is the best I can offer you." She confess.

"I can guess, still, thanks for helping this exhausted traveler and accepting to teach me." She waved an hand in dismissive fashion.

"It is is no problem. All to help a new friend!"


Twilight Sparkle sighed as she saw her new friend and potential lover go through her doors and cloak as he walk back into the town proper, deep in her she wanted to stop him and tell him that he could sleep with her in the same bed but she felt that it was going too far on that, she didn't wanted him to anywhere but her bed and her arms but at least he was going to be in good hands for the time being...

... Somehow, that doesn't convince her

She had this feeling deep in her gut that she had made an mistake but why? As far she could tell, Rarity's parents and sister were an ordinary family, sure, she might not know of Cookie Crumbles but she know of their filly. Sweetie Belle was a naive and innocent girl, an beacon of pureness on the contrast to her other apprentices; Dinky Doo and Pumpkin Cake and even to her own friends; Scootaloo and Apple Bloom which both had shown in-depth interest for the opposite sex.

She doesn't peg an matured Mare like Cookie Crumbles to actually be interested in him as she is in a herd herself, an small one but an healthy one, she know that Hondo is a stud - Another Mare's Words - with an active sexual lifestyle, so why it does she feels like she had made a sacrifice to an succubus' den?

"Maybe I'm just worried.." She muttered to herself, an thought mostly aloud. She nodded to that answer, almost a if it reassuring to her. "Yeah, it must be it, I'm found an stallion that finally has alot on common with me and he is going to the company of other mares but not to their arms." She muttered herself, feeling a bit better in that reasoning.

Yet for some reason, it feels that it going to end on the contrary.


"I think we're done here, Mom."

"Yes we are! Thanks on helping me on cleaning up the guest room, Sweetie."

"No problem, mom!" Reassured the filly to her mother with an bright and yet adorable smile but morphed into one of confusion as she looked at her mother. "Are we getting an visitor today?"

"Oh yes, one special, I might add." The Pinkish mare, Cookie Crumbles, says with an excited tone and a bright smile on her own. "We're recieving an male. Not just that, the newest visitor in the town! Remember? We saw him awhile ago." For her part, Sweetie Belle could remember him, yes when they were close to their home, they saw him walking on the busy street of the town, Sweetie Belle also saw how almost everypony stopped what they were doing just to stare on the ballsy yet strange pony-like male creature walked as if he owned the street, this also includes her mother who was wolf-whistling him and was seconds away from pouncing him until he took the route toward Twilight's place.

After that, everyone went to their own stuff, include them. Several Minutes later, Twilight appeared to ask if they have place for the male to crash in while he was learning magic from her. She and her father, Hondo, talked to her and accepted shortly after, there was no deal or anything in between but after Twilight was gone, her parents talked to each other in private rather quickly, she had her own suspicion about it.

"Yeah.. it is also the reason why Dad is going to leave?"

"Well, Hondo is a stallion, Sweetie. He have to visit his other herd mates and your half-siblings! As well looking for more mates to make more." Her mother explained "Our herd is smaller than normal and I do confess that I can be abit clingy and picky at times, I feel that I had hit a motherlode when I met your father and I don't want him to go but we thought it was for the best to try new things, or rather new partners! It is why we're thinking on making our herd open, I understand that it might seem that I'm replacing your father but is not, it's rather normal-" Sweetie Belle, however and to Cookie's surprise, smiled and nodded.

"I know mom, I understand." unlike what many who know her believes, she wasn't naive nor that innocent to not know how heat, sex and herding work, where foals come from and how they are made; She was intrigued, of course, but also uninterested even if it is mostly by choice as there aren't many colts and stallions available in Ponyville, this had made her look rather naive and innocent and... Well, she was up for looking cute and continue the façade.

"That's great!" The mare exclaimed, her smile returning to be an positive one. "Twilight mentioned that he doesn't know nothing of how our culture work here, I hope to educate this newcomer male in the most intimately way possible and making sure those other hussies know who owns him, and who knows? Maybe you can help me? Think about it, Sweetie; an generational herd, what do you think? You, me, probably Your sister too." On this, Sweetie Belle blushes but also giggles.

"Mom, you're terrible!" Cookie laughed on this, she noted that Sweetie Belle hadn't said no, but just as soon she was about to ask her. She heard knocking at the door, both mare and filly were startled by this but it turned into an bright smile for they knew he was here.
June 2, 2023