· original author:
You step through the portal snd are immediately consumed by a swirling vortex of light and color. A few seconds later you're through the other side and find yourself standing on a hill overlooking a pastoral scene, covered in a great filed of grass and dotted with a multitude of vibrant wildflowers
The first thing you notice is how big everything is compared to you. The grass in which you're standing grows up to your knees and the bees flitting among the wildflowers are much bigger of any normal bees you've ever seen. It's almost as if you've shrunken to about half your natural size. The sun is bathing the spot you're standing in gentle warmth and you feel a light breeze blowing past you causing the field of grass to sway. Some distance below you can see a familiar-looking town filled with colorful and interestingly shaped buildings, and not too far away, a grand looking castle composed entirely of crystal shining proudly in the midday sun.
You always thought that Equestria was beautiful in the cartoons but seeing it in person took your breath away.
You're tempted to just stand here and enjoy the sunshine for a little while longer.
June 2, 2023
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