you now felt the arousal of any ponies near you
· original author:
You held up your arms in a protective gesture, though you knew it wouldn't do anything.

After a moment of nothing happening, you put your hands down and looked around. You were normal and no one was acting crazed.

So you glared at a smiling Twilight and said, "I was taught to never cast spells on other beings unless one asks first, or if I was threatened. I guess you never were taught that."

Twilight's smile fell. "But... But.... But I wanted to help you. Can't you see that?"

"Just what did that spell you cast on me do?" you asked.

Twilight began to look away and rub the back of her head. "W-w-well, it's supposed to let you not only feel where the nearest needy mare is, but to last as long as they do, so you can help them with their heat."

As you facepalmed, Twilight looked down at the ground and sadly muttered, "But I guess my magic doesn't work on you..."

"Twilight, you really need to know to ask-" You began before your pants felt really right, and tighter by the second. In a tone that began to have more panic in in by the second, you said, "Twilight, I think the spell has a delay on it."

She looked up and asked, "Really? What makes you... say... tha..."

She trailed off as you were trying to undo your pants to free your enchanted dick that seemed to be trying to grow large enough to rip open your pants. You grumbled, "Oh, just! A! Hunch!"

You were able to free your dick, which let Starlight and Twilight smell your arousal. You also could feel their arousal, whose exaxt arousal it was, and what direction they were in. In fact, you could feel Rainbow Dash's arousal. Going by how she was moving, she probably was looking for one of Daring Do's books in the castle's library.

Trying hard to not force yourself on Twilight or the barely hidden Starlight, or just masturbate where you were standing, you asked, "Twilight, I need you to undo it or at least let me read the spellbook you got the spell from. I don't want to try to undo your magic with mine all willy-knilly because mixing one person's magic with someone else's can be very dangerous!"

"Y-yes, I understand. Dangerous," Twilight said, licking her lips as she stared directly at your dick. You didn't like how sex-crazed her eyes were getting.
June 2, 2023