An Nightmare.
As the monarch of the moon walked with lustful intent she..


.. Stopped, tensed on the sudden shrill scream, it came from one of the projection of the Element Bearers, the Holder of Generosity, Rarity, who begun to look around with an frentic, panicked look. Luna come to look at her with intrigued but begins to feel something... familiar, dreadful.

"W-what's going. Where am I?!" The alabaster unicorn stutter fearful as she looked around, seeing all the other mares looking at her confused "G-girls? What's going onn~oww! Why my pelvis hurt to so bad- is that semen?!" She shrieked seeing the puddle of seed leaking up from her nethers with both surprise and revulsion. Luna couldn't help but had her eyebrown risen, having suspected an shared dream but this disconfirmed it all, the real one would act exactly similarly yet she wont be such an wimpy foal about an Stallion's exertion, she would be quick witted about her surrounding too but.. what warranted such change of personality of this illusion.

"You?! What are you?! What are you doing to her?! What did you done to us?!" When her eyes met with the confused human, an torrent of question blurted out of her muzzle and with an fierce glare and posture, she demanded as if what she was witnessing was the worst thing she laid her eyes on. "Twilight was right! We shouldn't ever have trusted you, she told us things about you humans but you are the worst, insidious, vile thing to ever grace Equestria, you made us low our guard and put us on a spell so could have your ways on us!"

"W-W-what but I had done nothing wron-"

Before the human could defend herself there was another scream, she noticed what was happening, she saw an shine on the eyes of another element bearer, Loyalty, then Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, eventually all the other mares as well, all of htem were having the same reaction as if they broke of from some spell, The blue mare that was riding him got quickly off him while staring at the male with horror, disgust and betrayal. The reaction of his once lustful herd turned for all sort of negative ones; anger, rage, fear, hate and all those expressions she couldn't bear to witness on her little ponies having were now directing and surrounding the fearful human who was backing off of their enrage gaze.

Luna realized with growing dread and horror on what was happening on this very moment that she wasn't in an wet dream, she was witnessing the start of a nightmare!

"Get him!"

On thus the chase was on, the man was quickly tailing out of the bed and room, going straight on the stairs but the pegasus were quick on him, she follow them on similar pace but the human was quick witted enough to enter into one the vacating room, an small library of sort. She passed through the walls and took the shape of an painting, the human used telekinesis to move several bookshelves to barricade the pounding doors, he sighed in relief-


-Only for rainbow blur came in, destroying the glass doors-window and impacting against the human's body, falling both onto the floor, him down and her on top, Rainbow Dash had this enraged look on her face, glaring down on the panicked human.

"You think you can get away from me pervert?!" She practically shouted on his face, ready to smack him with her hooves until the male pushed her away quickly with an burst of magic.

"I did nothing wrong! You guys came onto me first!"


"Liar!" Said an angry Applejack as she smashed the door and all the bookshelves with her strong hindlegs, behind her was all the other mares with similar expressions "Nowhere to go now, varmin'!"

"I told you I did nothing wrong!" With an more forceful tone, the human glared her back and formed and purple magical bubble around him, he made an quick dash toward the balcony and leaped out of it. Luna gasped, returning to her pony form and galloped to the window, ignoring all other projection and illusions but sighed on relief when she saw the man land safetly on the castle's courtyard and continue to run.

Just... what kind of bizarre nightmare is this?! Why those ponies act that way, as if they never seen an stallion or male and act as if coitus were an forbidden thing and the behavior from before, the behavior she is so accustomed was nothing but mind control signs?


The flying island shook by the strength of a large explosion, coming from the gatehouse she passed moments prior, it was now destroyed as Celestia's Royal Guard began to arrive by flying, chariots or airships.

"We found him, Your highnesses!" One of the guards, an stallion, said on a gruff tone as both an Projection of Twilight and her sister, Celestia, come in with solemn and grim expression as the human, now had fallen onto the floor.

"...And with this, this witch hunt is over.." Celestia begins with an dissappointed tone as she glares on the flinching man, something was... wrong with this projection, it talked like her sister and she had seen others projections like her but this one.. it lacked the same warmth. "To think it has come this way.."

"I knew you were bad news the moment I saw you!" Twilight, the princess of friendship snarled as she approaches to the trembling human "I should've turned you into stone and throw you into the largest pit I know.. how could you?! Just why!?"

"I don't know ow what you're talking about!!"

"Oh yes you do.." There was an evil chuckle coming from the purple Alicorn, however Celestia came about with an stern expression and began to talk or rather listing the charges.

"[N/A] You're being accused of foalnapping, rape, trespassing, pedophilia, non sanctioned use of forbidden magic, member of a dangerous race as well several illicit crimes against the crown and the beings that live in this land, therefore you are guilty of those charges and shall be punished accordingly with all the weight of the law."

"WHAT? But-"

"No buts!" Twilight exclaimed "We finally put this chase to end, girls now!" Twilight barked as the colorful chosen of harmony surrounds the human, they glows as they began to channel the power of the tree of harmony bestowed on them to punish and cleanse evil...


Those weren't them, they were nothing but figment of the imagination of an guilty conscious of an mortal that hadn't done nothing to warrant their ire and Equestria's full extend of the law and the use of the elements.

This was an nightmare and it was her duty to end it.

"ENOUGH!" Shouted, no, Commanded using the strongest tone under The Canterlot Royal Voice, she stomped the ground, shaking the dreams' foundation and force it to do as she orders.
June 2, 2023