Dinner continues but Pumpkin doesn't give u...
Just before you could start eating you freeze upon feeling something brushing against your crotch, you didn't move other than continue pretending that you were still eating but your sudden tenseness was noticed by the mares.

"Something wrong, dearie?"

"Yeah, Something wrong, you look pretty tense.."

"No, it's fine." You say, dissipating their worries while rising yours. you glance downward noticing nothing - at least at first but you saw something, a faint almost unnoticeable shape of a hand groping your crotch, your eyes widen seeing this but then you looked at the mares again, more particularly at the only unicorn here.

She was looking at you - as she chews her salad, her eyes met yours only briefly but you notices that her horn has the faint outline of an aura going on.

"Awww, you spotted me." You heard her talk although not vocally, it was through telepathy, you were familiar with the concept, hell, you could do it yourself! but you were sort of surprised seeing her doing it but this also confirms being her the reason for ghostly molestation "I must say, I like what I've been feeling so far but I hate the layers of clothing constricting that monster between your legs but that can change~"

"Pumpkin?" You gave a reply, instead of looking surprised, she gave you the ghost of a grin as she eats.

"I told you I have much more magical talent than most unicorns."

"You have to stop, this isn't right, your mother could-"

"Oh please. Isn't like she can notice anyway. Mom silences me because she doesn't like ponies bad mouth at the 'pure' Royal Alicorns." You heard her mentally snort "They aren't Pure as they like to pretend to the masses - they're as ravenous for cock as any other mare in heat, Twilight told me how Celestia looks at the male members of her Royal Guards once she was her student, how Luna prioritize dream walking on males alongside foals, how herself found on fantasizing in her own little harem."

"You left out Cadence." You heard her giggle mentally.

She mentally giggles "Pleeaaassseee~ Her marriage with Shining Armor was pure ceremonial non-sense, Even if their love is true would you believe that a mare with empath power related to love would turn down any stallion that finds her attractive? And Shining, he was the object of desire of every mare in Canterlot, you can bet that he is still is within the Crystal Empire. The Royal Alicorns are just as insatiable as any more in heat and word of advice with Twilight, she finding it hard to resist her own after her ascension and I won't blame you for trying to get Royal Pussy but she isn't here, you are here, with me... unless.."

"Ahh, that's good!" Mrs. Cake interrupted both of you, having quite finished her plate "I think I going for a second portion, do you dearies want more?"

"Oh no, I'm good, mom."

"Yeah, I'm fine as well."

"In that case, more for me! I'll be back shortly." The blue mare smiled, took her empty plate with her mouth, and left to the kitchen, you couldn't help but stare at her leaving, particularly on the famous jigging flank the fandom depicts with, alongside Pinkie's, Applejack's, and even Celestia's, you could even see the barest hint of her slit and asshole and-

"Oh my.."

Oh no...

"Oh I see what it is now. You are interested in my mother?" You turned sharply to the grinning face of the pumpkin-colored unicorn, a look of horror passed to your face as she continues "Oh my, what a scandal! You say you wanted an audience with Twilight but you came here, maybe you saw something that interest you hm? her large plush flanks, I assume?"

"Look, I know it looks wrong but-"

"Wrong? Your dick says otherwise." She says smugly the ghostly hand gives your crotch a soft squeeze. "So what it is then? What is your purpose here in the Town? I get you are a sorcerer looking to expand your knowledge but isn't that bit too convenient to appear just a little before the town's heat season, hm?" This was bad, it seem that you were found out; you were here mostly for the knowledge which is true but you couldn't deny that want some pussy while doing that, in fact, the motivation you had on coming here to Sugarcube Corner was the possibility of boning Cup Cake but Pumpkin, a young adult version of her, was an actor you didn't saw coming, much less one that looks that is competent with magic.

What do you do?
June 2, 2023