Mayor Mare loses control and leaps at you
· original author:
Mayor Mare opened your front door and...


Yes, you could hear the loud snap of self-control in her brain. You knew it because she slowly turned her head back at you with a crazed smile growing as she did so.

You uttered, "Oh no... Mayor Mare, you need to-"

You were tackled onto the ground by the equine, her mouth covering yours, her tongue wrestling yours, her eyes making bedroom eyes at yours, and her hooves feeling up your body like they were hands. You could feel that her lower half was leaking plenty of female cum because it was soaking your pants.

You tried to push her away, but she was either too heavy or toon physics were in her favor. The only time her hooves left your body was when they were tearing off your clothes.

Looking behind her, you saw a trio of ponies slowly leaning your door.

Roseluck, Lily Valley, Daisy. The ones you dubbed as 'the Flower trio'.

The trio who kept fainting or screaming when they saw you with fear in their eyes.


They looked at you with naked lust in their eyes, making you the scared one.

"He's wearing far too much..." Roseluck muttered.

"Those pants have to go," Daisy grumbled.

"Lucky for us, we can change that..." Lily Valley cooed.

Mayor Mare apparently heard them, as she lifted up her hind legs.

You tried to kick the Flower trio away, but Lily Valley and Daisy held your legs down, so Roseluck could rip your pants off.

Roseluck held your tattered pants in your view as she cooed, "Whoops! Guess Rarity will be getting a visit from you later!"

You tried to rant, but Mayor Mare's mouth muffled it. The Flower Trio began taking turns licking your dick to a full erection.
June 2, 2023