Giant Equestria
· original author:
You looked between the doors in your newly created hall until your eyes fell on a door with a great tall oak tree carved into it.
Intrigued, you walked over and approached the door with a healthy bit of curiosity and examined the brass plaque nailed beside the door.
"Macro Equestria" was what it read.
"Macro..." Did that mean that beyond these doors you would find a world much larger than yourself?
Now your curiosity was piqued.
You grabbed hold of the door handle and twisted it and pulled it open, excited at what you might find on the other side.
And what you find was grass... really tall grass. You looked up to see that it was a really sunny day and the familiar sound of the crowd and hooves were noticeably loud and so were tremors of the steps. Grinning, you stepped on this reality and the door disappears behind you and a bracelet appears on your right wrist.
In situations like these, you can't be too careful, so if anything goes south all you had to do was touch the gem on your wrist and BOOM, you're safe in your mansion.
You navigated through the tall grass, which was now like a thick jungle to you, and headed towards the source of the voices and the hoofsteps.
Going to this jungle of bladed glass feels like a risky endeavor as the sounds actually, you had a flying spell but that would take away some of the excitement so you instead opted for something more... groovy: A gravity spell to make those Hulk jumps.

You jumped from blade to blade of grass like a grasshopper, grinning and giggling all the way. Now, this was traveling in style!
The sounds of ponies grew ever closer until you saw a break in the leaves, a clearing in the grassy forest.
You stopped just shy of the boundary between the field of grass and the footpath and peered out, pushing away the leafy obstructions to get a better view.

It was Ponyville alright, with the same number of familiar pastel-colored ponies, except... well, titanic and gigantic looking. The buildings were monolithic, ginormous mountains that surrounded you on all sides.
This reality is awesome!
...and dangerous.
But you have magic.
You were qualified for such a thing.
So, what was your next move going to be? You had already gotten your foot caught in a bear trap by having had sex with a pony and gotten her pregnant (though that altogether wasn't an unpleasant bear trap) so one little decision had changed your life forever.
June 2, 2023