Uh, sure why not? You've got nothing better...
Diamond Tiara beamed when hearing your answer "Nice! My house is nearby. Well, it also the biggest building in Ponyville."

You chuckled, she really seemed different from the filly you come to know from the show but how much is true to her mother? You know that Diamond Tiara reformed herself by helping the crusader getting their Cutie Marks. How that means with her mother.

She guides you happily through the streets, still pondering on what changes are in this version of Equestria.


You had arrived at the mansion, It was... well, quite big, you gulped and realized that Spoiled Rich wasn't bluffing with her fortune, he little swelled with pride seeing you a rather awestruck face.

"This is my home! Cool, uh? I'm from the richest family of all Ponyville and all Equestria!" She says with pride in her voice as she guides you to the main doors, she simply pushes it open letting you inside of the most rather lavish home you had ever set foot on.

...Barring yours... Of course.

The mansion inside, however... wasn't that impressive. Sure it was huge, with stairs connecting the second floor and the main hall and very lavish looking but yours was two times bigger which it kind off... removed the awe from before.

You heard a gasp coming from upstairs to notice Spoiled Rich on the flesh, looking at you with surprise expression.

"And so it's true.." She says as she rushing to you, "It is really true!"
June 2, 2023