"My Mom, for example, She's inviting yo...
· original author:
Her mom? Why in the world would Spoiled Rich be interested in you? You always took her to be the snobby rich housewife that looked down her nose at anypony else who's net worth didn't match her own, and you certainly didn't think she would want the weird, shabby robed human wizard standing in her presence.
How did she even know you were here? It's not like you had crossed paths with her in the entire week you've been here.
When you asked why her mother would specifically invite you into her home, Diamond Tiara's brow furrowed deeply in consternation. "I don't know. All that I know is that she told me that she wanted to meet you and if I saw you in the street to invite you to come to the house for a chat. I've never heard of her doing this for anypony else so you must've made a good impression on her. I think you're pretty cool, myself, so you coming for a visit would be pretty ok in my book."

You grinned down at the filly and she giggled as you reached down and ruffled her mane. "Aw, thanks, I think you're pretty cool too."
Diamond's tail started wagging and her gaze turned eager. "So, are you going to able to come?"

Diamond's message didn't tell you anything, but the mystery of it all intrigued you. This isn't the same universe as the show and there's bound to be a few differences in personality here and there. Maybe this version of Spoiled is nice rather than a rich snob.
That's something you'd like to see, a nice Spoiled Rich who doesn't look down on anybody and treats others with respect.
You wouldn't hold your breath on that, though. Still, you could gain a lot of insight into this society even from interacting with the "worst" ponies this world has to offer. Heck, maybe you could even meet with Trixie next and bond over magic shows and such. It worked for Starlight Glimmer.

Diamond Tiara's eyes shimmered as she awaited your answer.
June 2, 2023