· original author:
How about we play a game if 'hide the carrot'?" one of the fillies lewdly suggested, to which Diamond nodded. "Yes that sounds like a good idea. Let's play that game for a little while. In fact, I would happy to be 'it' first, if you all don't mind." You suddenly became acutely aware that the crowd of children are much closer to you than before, and are all looking at you with bedroom eyes uncharacteristic of a foal.
You're not here to play an innocent foals game are you?
You try to back up slightly but immediately run into a foal who was pressed into your back. "Um, ladies, can we talk about this?"
The foal from behind suddenly snaked her forelegs around you and locked your legs in a death grip that you could not escape. Whoever was holding you was insanely strong, probably that freakishly strong pink filly. You looked down at Diamond Tiara in alarm.
"W-What are you girls are you doing?" You said in equal alarm but Diamond and her friends giggled as they approached you with lustful intention, simply, what's going on? How come that from innocent-looking fillies became rapists, how come that this filly is so* strong to hold you *in place? "This is not something you should do to your seniors." You try to act like an authoritative figure but they seem to no even care some giggled.
Diamond Tiara, who seemed to be the ringleader in all this, instead of answering you directly lifted a hoof to signal the others. "Ok, girls, let's lower him down, nice and gentle." You were about to ask her what she meant when Silver Spoon and Peppermint Twist each reared up and grabbed you around the waist, gazing at you with the most sultry expressions. You gave a little cry of panic as you felt your feet being physically lifted from the ground and Silver Spoon and Twist began to push you down. They were only about half strong as Lily, who was moving up your back to support your body as you slowly fell. Eventually your head hit the soft ground and Lily moved from beneath you to pin your legs once again while Spoon and Twist restrained your upper body. You felt a small pool of warm liquid collecting on your chest and soaking into your clothes.
Not to be forgotten, the two unicorns present pulled your book from underneath your clothes and began to closely examine it. You tried to shout for them to stop, but your voice was quickly silenced by a grey muzzle forcing your mouth open.
Silver Spoon kisses you, invading your mouth with her tongue and twisting and savoring yours and your mouth. You were unable to speak, tasting her girlish saliva while you feel your pants being unbuttoned, you struggled to move but you were still held on by the strong grip, the majority being earth ponies might likely be the case for being more considerably stronger and now they were using that physical strength to hold you and rape you.
Silver Spoon continued to kiss you deeply and passionately, raking her tongue against your teeth and letting no part of your mouth go untouched. On reflex your arms reached around the bottoms of the two fillies perched on your chest pulling them tighter, which only served to excite them more as Silver Spoon leaned even closer. Your hands gripped their plump little filly rumps and squeezed, which caused both of them to sigh in pleasure. Soon, Silver Spoon had her fill and it was time for Twist's turn to rape your mouth with her tongue. You felt your pants and underwear being tugged down by what felt like teeth until your cock sprung out into the cool air. You heard a small gasp come from down near your legs and whispering, but it barely registered in your mind for what was right in front of you: Spoon and Twist's moist little pussy lips within easy reach of your grasping fingers.
It was then you felt something, like lips kissing down your lengths and seedpods with almost untold devotion likely Diamond Tiara uttering words 'So big' 'must be a breeding stud' and whatever other fillies that was next to her. meanwhile, some of your fingers found a way to their humid and soft virgin folds, you were a bit horrified thinking that you were molesting them, thinking of whatever crime you're committing only then to quickly remember that they're molesting you and that your finger entering to their pussies simply added their pleasure.

Another pair of lips joined the ones already molesting your dong, and then another until you felt four mouths hungrily sucking and slurping at your scrotum, kissing and licking up and down your length almost reverently. If you weren't hard before all of this kissing and sucking were getting you there!
You heard an "Ohhhh!" Blood flowed to your member as was risen as an answer to the stimulation then more giggling, You heard far more comments such as "He is really big!" "Very different from other stallions" 'Told you that he was a Breeding stud.' How did they know any of this? They don't look to be on age to know of sex! Let alone those terms.

You yelped, feeling your rob penetrating something tight and a girlish cry was followed soon after.
The very tip of your penis pressed into what could only be described as a wet fleshy sock that also seemed to be alive, twisting and pulling at your member to pull you deeper. You heard Diamond Tiara's distinctive moan pierce the air, "Ohhh, it's so big, girls. He's stretching me, unf, to my limit!" She tried to plunge deeper, to pull you into her deepest core, but of course she met some initial resistance. After all, fitting a grown adult into a filly's snatch isn't going to be an easy task. The hungry mouths on your scrotum quickly switched from licking your nutsack to lubricating your dick to make the ascent easier. You were so distracted by this that you didn't notice that Twist had already cleared off your chest and Silver was now waggling her rump in your face. The silver filly shyly asked, "Um... could you please...? Could you maybe let me take a seat here? If you don't mind?" Funny how she was asking permission to sit on your face when you were in the middle of getting raped.
But before you could say anything, she simply sat on your face anyway, bathing you with her small-ish vulva's juices as you heard Diamond Tiara moans and mewl as she moves or attempts to move which was working, you felt her very tight snatch getting even more humid and wet, making your cock entering a bit deeper into her, she felt her flesh convulse and constrict as your dick pushed against her petite womb's gates, there was a noticeable bulge on her belly, The fillies that notice it stopped molesting your length and stared at awe.
June 2, 2023