Patty's Photoshoot (part 4)
· original author:
After taking more than enough time to ensure that your cock was absolutely rock solid and visible, Tammy gave you one last flick and retracted her hand, leaving your knees trembling from both exhaustion and frustration. “Okay Patty, now that he’s good and stiff, let’s-” There was another *thump* as Patty plopped into the chair with a heavy jiggle. You groaned as your freshly-teased cock was squashed into Patty’s warm flesh, and Tammy whined, “Aww, you moved!”

Patty shrugged back, “My arms got tired.” Great, you get tired, and I get fucking sat on… Patty frowned over her shoulder at her still jiggling ass, “Plus like, the little weakling wasn’t holding me up much at all, so…” So, what, it was your fault? As she glared down at the chair, Patty felt another smirk creeping across her face: something was firmly poking into her underside, and she quickly realized it was your raging erection. Assuming her friend might want to hear about it, Patty began lightly bouncing up and down as she gloated, “Hey Tammy, whatever you did to ‘perk him up’ earlier must have worked because he feels crazy hard.”

Tammy couldn’t help but laugh at the Princess’ flagrant indecency, “Oh my god, Patty, you are so bad… can I see?” Patty happily obliged her friend by wriggling forwards, massaging you across her ass until your feet were eventually revealed. Tammy chuckled, “There he is! Hold on a sec...” The camera clicked, and Tammy motioned excitedly, “Okay now scoot forward a bit!” Loving every moment of attention she was getting at your expense, Patty complied by slooowly dragging her ass across your body, exposing your legs, your hips, and your erect cock. Tammy giggled as your penis sprang free before slapping itself against the larger girl’s backside. Unable to see you over her shoulder, Patty continued sliding over as slowly as she pleased, making sure to strike sexy poses for the camera along the way. Just before your face was uncovered, Tammy said, “Okay, I think that’s a good start! Wanna see what pics I have so far?” Wait, no! Just a bit further and you’d be free!

Heedless of your frantic attempts to push her away, Patty nodded, “Oh yeah, lemme see lemme see” As Patty settled back into her chair, her bubble butt rolled across your chest and hips before coming to a very wobbly stop on top of your crotch. The two girls leaned together to look at the camera’s screen, before Tammy had the presence of mind to ask, “Hey cutie, wanna see our pictures?” Glancing down to where you had been, Tammy found only a pair of legs sticking from beneath her friend’s enormous butt cheek. Patty was already skimming the camera’s pictures as Tammy leaned over for a better look: the photographer’s eyebrows rose as she caught sight of a tiny penis quivering and twitching against Patty’s backside, just barely visible beneath the humongous ass resting overtop of it. “Patty, hun, I think you’re sitting on the little guy’s dick right now... not to mention the rest of him.”

The Pink Princess hardly sounded concerned, “Am I?” Without tearing her eyes from the camera, Patty reached back and rubbed a hand across her rump, sending more vibrations through her flesh. Tammy watched as Patty’s index finger slid down to where your erection was laying, before giving it a lazy poke that caused your legs to spasm and squirm. Patty was hardly paying attention as she mumbled, “Huh, I guess I am.” and rubbed her finger back and forth, making you give a muffled scream as she thoughtlessly and effortlessly brought you to the brink of orgasm.

Tammy bit her lip and asked, “Shouldn’t we maybe, I dunno, finish the little guy off before we forget?” She, at least, wouldn’t mind a chance to fiddle with you.

As the gigantic self-proclaimed princess hummed in half-hearted contemplation, “Mmm, well…” she continued to leisurely prod and mash your firm genitals up against her soft behind. Her clumsy twiddling eventually squeezed a gob of pre-cum from your cock and onto her skin, which Tammy found herself grinning at. Eventually Patty made her decision, “Nah, we can do that later.” Patty, you bitch. Putting her desires first, Patty pulled her finger away and went back to looking at the camera, leaving your dripping cock to wobble along with her butt cheek. Knowing you were probably aching for any more stimulation, Patty giggled over her shoulder, “If you can’t wait that long, tiny, feel free to take a load off on me, hehe!” Then she wiggled in place, just to annoy you further by compressing your tiny body and rubbing your penis beneath one squishy cheek.

Tammy watched that little exchange with curiosity, but when she saw your swollen member throbbing against her friend’s skin she figured that Patty knew best. After all, you would have said something or just crawled free if you wanted to, right? Plus, Patty had generously offered to let you go to town on her, and what more could any little fan or wrestler ask for? Tammy turned away with a shrug, and within seconds the two girls were laughing and pointing out their favorite pictures of you being flattened. “Ohmygod, I look sooo hot here!” “Heehee, what about this one, where you can barely see him?” You felt the horrible pressure slowly building up in your balls every time Patty bounced of shifted against you, but you had no choice but to wait. It didn’t help that Patty’s perfect skin was resting across your upper body, filling your hands and covering your chest and face, preventing you from thinking about anything else.

Eventually you heard Tammy sing proudly, “Well, that’s the last of’em! A damn good collection, if I may say, and maybe even better than Wonder Bust’s set.”

Patty especially loved the sound of upstaging her nemesis, and squirmed happily in her seat. “It’s amazing what you can do when you give a perfect photographer a perfect subject!”

The two girls exchanged another laugh, before Tammy paused, “Hey, aren’t we forgetting something?”

Patty glanced around the room, jiggling you as she did so, “Don’t think so, why?” Tammy pursed her lips, trying to figure out what was nagging the back of her mind. Suddenly Patty exclaimed, “Oh, my phone! Thanks for reminding me!” and bent down to grab her cell from the floor where she had set it earlier. As Patty hunched over, her ass peeled from the chair and lifted above you with a slow, tantalizing wobble. You took a deep breath and caught were about to cry out for Tammy, before Patty cheered, “Got it!” and fell back down. You didn’t even manage a scream before the gigantic bubble butt of the Pink Princess slammed flat, landing her bare ass crack directly over top of you. You were practically moaning as your cock was wedged between the girl’s quivering buttocks. Patty caught Tammy’s look of puzzlement, “What?”

Had Tammy even seen you?
May 31, 2023