Patty's Photoshoot (part 2)
· original author:
Patty watched Tammy’s finger squish into her chest, “Oh right, him. That’s the new guy.” Tammy’s finger came to a stop, leaving you mashed to the larger girl’s nipple as Tammy looked up in confusion. Patty explained, “Y’know, the one Touko hired?”

Tammy blinked again, trying to comprehend how someone could be so small as she looked down to where her finger was still poked into her friend’s chest. “So he’s, like, tiny? What’s this hard thing then?” Tammy wiggled her finger back and forth, unwittingly squeezing your firm cock right into Patty’s breast.

The Pink Princess gave a smug grin as her friend innocently mashed you against her body, “That, Tammy, is his dick.”

The blonde couldn’t help but grin slightly, “Oh wow, it’s uh, really stiff.”

When Tammy finally pulled away, you were left wobbling around in the air again. Patty gave a haughty shrug, “Well yeah, just look at where the lucky little peasant is: he’s got a front row, VIP, all-access pass to the Pink Princess’ Royal Rack! I’d be amazed if he didn’t have a boner.”

Tammy giggled understandingly, “Haha, true! So what’s he doing in your shirt in the first place?”

As Patty took a moment to consider her answer, she absentmindedly slid a hand up to her chest and pinched at you with her finger and thumb. You had been trying to recover from Tammy’s poking when suddenly you were squished down again, unable to stop the giant girl from flattening you into her own nipple. She’d twiddled with you so many times by now that she hardly even seemed aware that she was doing it any more, as she used you practically like a little stress toy.

Still mindlessly kneading your tiny face into her nipple, Patty explained, “Well, long story short, Touko put me up against the new guy. Only I think he spent the whole fight ogling my glistening body cuz it was an oil match, so-”

Tammy suddenly interjected with a mild pout, “Aww, you got the oil match this week! Luck-yyy!”

You were surprised to see that Patty wasn’t bothered by being interrupted, “Heh, well it woulda been more fun except Tommy complained and got some of the other wrestlers to force me to take a dive, just to make him look good.” The pressure against your back increased as Patty huffed in indignation, before she continued, “Then he snuck into the showers with me afterwards, I guess cuz he just couldn’t get enough of the Princess after all.”

Tammy giggled again as she watched Patty’s finger pressing at her nipple, completely hiding you from view, “He probably just liked how slippery you looked in all that oil, heehee!”

Patty smiled back, “Pff, right? Well like, I just couldn’t keep him off of me as I got changed, and then one thing led to another… and next thing you know, he’s gotten himself trapped in my top!” Tammy and Patty both burst out laughing, leaving you to groan as you were pounded against Patty’s damn tit some more. You couldn’t believe how many condemning events Patty had conveniently omitted from her story, but Tammy certainly seemed convinced.

Trying to get a hold of her laughter, Tammy giggled, “Oh my gosh, haha, it sounds like he’s quite adventurous for such a little guy! I love it!”

The two girls laughed for a moment more, before Patty changed the subject back to herself. “So, what’s this I hear about Betty’s starpower going crazy from some swimsuit photoshoot or something?”

“Oh! Well she had the idea to pose in a skimpy bikini, and then we came up with cheesy slogans like ‘You can’t stop the wave of justice’ and stuff. It was great, and she showed off sooo much cleavage, the fans went nuts.”

Far from gushing over the other wrestlers like Tammy was, Patty poked your face into her skin again as she huffed in annoyance. Another wrestler was getting almost as much attention as her? Unacceptable. Patty blurted, "Tammy quick, you've got to come up with some way to make my shoot blow that goody-two-boob out of the water! We need some sort of hook, and a really good one."

Tammy, never shy from a little friendly (in her mind) one-upmanship, grinned at the idea. “Ooh, a bit of head-to-head competish, awesome! Okay lemme think, umm…” Tammy tried to concentrate, but Patty kept distracting her by swirling her finger around your face, obliviously squishing you as the two girls brainstormed. Suddenly, Tammy had an epiphany, “Oh my god, what about ‘Pancaked by the Princess’ as a theme?”

Patty looked up at Tammy’s beaming face, “So I’d be, like… baking?”

Tammy laughed, “No, silly! You’re pancaking the competition!

A look of excitement grew over Patty’s face as she began to understand. “Ooh, I like it! Only what am I gonna pancake?”

Tammy flicked her eyes down to your position with a huge smile. Patty glanced down, and was momentarily surprised to notice that she had been apparently poking and prodding your face into her breast all along. Of course, she didn’t bother to stop as she considered, “Oh, him? That works I guess, I mean he still owes me for that match I totally threw in his favor.”

A muffled but audible buzz of disagreement emanated from Patty’s shirt as you cried, No fucking way I’m taking part in your stupid photo-op! but Patty didn’t care, and Tammy mistook it for enthusiasm. Tammy, all fired up at her chance to work with her hot friend while also showing the cute new guy a good time, cheered out, “Great! Then let’s start by having you lean forward in the chair!”

Patty’s haughty gaze remained on the tiny man-shaped bump over her nipple as she lowered her huge chest nearer to the plastic surface, “Do I just, like, squish him against it, or what?”

As you wobbled back and forth with your frontside still plastered against her warm skin and your backside inches from the hard plastic, Tammy nodded. “Yep, whenever you’re ready!” You cried out in disapproval, Don’t you fucking dare, Patty! You knew you had no chance of stopping her, but you couldn’t just let her get away with this without a fight. Some fight it was, though, since you were still stuck naked to her damn car-sized nipple…

The giant brat didn’t seem at all dissuaded by your cries as she giggled back, "Now would you prefer I squish him softly, or like, extra softly?” Patty must have been enjoying her little power trip, because she lightly waggled her chest, giving you time to seethe as she threatened to crush you at any moment. Apparently indifferent to Patty's decision, Tammy took a couple pictures as you were nearly slammed into the chair by Patty’s derisive motions.

An insufferably smug grin had come over Patty’s face as she began to lean in, “I think I’ll go with extra soft, just so my little helper doesn’t, like, blow his load right in the middle of the shoot.” For a split second you were the only thing caught between the hard plastic and her warm doughy skin, and Patty decided to pause just long enough to joke, “Be sure to let me know if you’re about to burst!” You heard Tammy snicker and mumble, We wouldn’t wanna miss that... Patty’s smug laughter caused her bosom to quiver as the rest of her mountainous tit slowly poured forwards and sandwiched you against the chair, without a modicum of effort on her part.

While Patty’s hefty breasts squashed across the hard plastic, Tammy let out an amused gasp, “Oh that’s perfect! Keep him just like that!” The outline of your body had become clear as ever, plastered between the translucent chair and her friend’s bulging flesh, and Patty was delighted by the attention it was getting her. You were left awkwardly pinned against her still wobbling boob once more, unable to do anything but suffer every time she shifted and caused her chest to bounce and pummel your aching member.

After flashing a few smug grins for the camera, Patty asked, “So what’s next? You want me to, like, make the little guy explode inside my shirt yet?” Just to demonstrate that she was capable, Patty cutely smeared her tits across the chair, grinding you along for Tammy to see. You gave another terse moan as your genitals were squeezed right into the bigger girl’s nipple, god damnit, the cockteasing brat was right: she could make you cum right now if she really wanted to…

Tammy tried to hold her camera steady as she laughed at her friend’s display, “Nonono, wait! Ha haa, I still wanna get some other pictures first!”

You were left gasping and sweating in exhaustion as Patty shrugged and came to a stop, “Alright, suit yourself, but I dunno how much longer the little guy can keep his hands off me.”

Hands to yourself? That gave Tammy an idea! “Hey, pull him out for a second, and put him on the chair! This is gonna be hilarious...” Patty did as instructed, and stuffed two fingers into her shirt to search for you. You groaned again as Patty, in her unending clumsiness, poked you into her nipple a few times before finally grabbing you. You were sucking in deep breaths of fresh air as Patty stood up and dropped you on the seat behind her. Tammy’s eyes wandered eagerly over your naked body as she explained, “Okay cutie, now Patty’s gonna sit down, and all I need you to do is look like you’re trying to hold her up. Kinda like a little royal servant trying to keep his princess comfy!”
May 31, 2023