The incredible size-changing Thomas
· original author:
Ignoring you for the time being, Patty smacked her lips a few times as she tried to get over the foul taste of the (stolen) antidote she just drank, and looked expectantly down at her own body. A dozen selfish thoughts ran through her head: maybe she'd no longer be the shortest girl in the league! Maybe she'd even be the tallest! And what if her boobs got bigger, too? She'd be so curvy, nobody would be able to take their eyes off her. Patty ran her hands along her naked legs, momentarily squashing her thigh down against your body as she fondled herself. Patty felt a light tingling, but she didn't feel like she was getting taller... Patty reached up and squeezed each of her already rather sizeable breasts through her shirt, anxiously wondering how long it would be before the serum worked.

After a minute of remaining the same size, during which she made no effort to shift the weight of her leg off of your body, Patty huffed, "Is it working? Ugh, I need a mirror!" Finally jumping to her feet, the whiny girl didn’t even notice as your body remained stuck to the back of her large, damp thigh. Eager to get back to her room so she could examine herself in a mirror, Patty didn’t even clean up her clothing before storming down the halls, dressed in only panties and a form fitting crop top. Unfortunately the walk was short, and you hadn’t had a chance to peel free from her skin before you heard a door slam and she entered her private dressing room.

Stomping up to a wall length mirror and looking herself over, Patty huffed when she confirmed that she was no larger than before. “UUGH! I thought that thing was going to make me grow!" Suddenly, you were hit by an odd sensation as you actually expanded to about a foot tall. Your weight peeled you from Patty’s leg and dropped you onto a leather bench.

Looking for someone to direct her anger towards, the pink-haired pint-sized wrestler leaned over you when she spotted you landing on her chair, "What gives, twerp? Your stupid antidote was supposed to make me bigger!" You could hardly believe it, but you grew to 3 feet, right in front of Patty’s eyes. You had no idea what was giving you your size back, but you weren't about to question your luck. Patty, finally noticing that you weren't an inch tall anymore, blinked a few times curiously, "Hey! Like, how come you're getting bigger and not me!?" You were about to tell Patty she could eat shit for all you cared, when you felt yourself rising up again. Patty frowned in confusion as you became taller than she had ever seen you before, and even taller than her!

Realizing this might be your only chance to catch Patty off guard, you lunged and grabbed her wrists before she could react. "Alright princess, you stole my only damn antidote, and now you're going to go explain to Touko why she owes me another one! Let's go!" You tried to push Patty towards the door, but she planted her feet, stopping you so suddenly that your chest slammed into hers. With the both of you being about equally sized (you were taller, she was curvier), it wasn't too difficult for her to halt your progress.

Patty fussily tried to wriggle out of your grasp, "It's not like you even needed it since you’re growing back anyway, you big whiner!" As if by magic, you felt another burst of strength as you returned to your full size. You managed to keep Patty in an armlock, preventing her from escaping, now that you were actually taller than her. There was no way you were going to let her run off, not without getting a replacement antidote from Touko first.

"That doesn't matter! It wasn't YOURS, Patty! I earned it when I won the match, and it was delivered for ME!"

Still impatiently trying to free herself, Patty twisted around and hip-checked you hard enough to make you stumble onto her vanity bench. Refusing to loosen your grip, you pulled Patty down with you, causing her to plop heavily onto your ribcage as you fell onto your back. A pained grunt was forced from your lips as Patty's thick thighs flattened softly across your chest and stomach, pinning you beneath her feminine weight. Now sitting on you, her slender wrists still in your clutches, Patty snorted, "So what now, smartguy? Are you just gonna drag me all the way to Touko's office? Or was this just an excuse to get into my room so you could have some alone time with me again? Because that's what it looks like from where I'm sitting..." Patty glanced to your groin, where your erection was nearly pressing up against the side of her thick hips after her heavy landing.

Trying not to let Patty get under your skin, you shot back, "Oh shut up. You're the one who decided to use me as a... goddamn human sex toy in the shower, when I was smaller."

Remembering that time fondly, Patty smirked back at you, "Well I had to relax somehow after I graciously let you win that match!” Patty then rocked her hips across your chest to compress the air from your lungs, as she gave you a coy look. Apparently she didn't seem to care at all that she had used you to satisfy herself while you were too weak to stop her, and left you sexually frustrated beyond belief as a result. Catching the irritation in your eyes, Patty mocked, "And I don’t see what the big deal is, I only sat on you, what, like, four, maybe five times that match? If anything, I think you should show a little more gratitude." You felt a sinking in your stomach as you quickly shrank several inches, making Patty seemingly expand on top of you as she continued pressing you into the bench just by remaining where she was. Patty let out a light gasp as she watched your size change before her very eyes, "Uh oh! Looks like Tommy's little growth spurt is wearing off already!"

Beginning to feel nervous now that you were once again becoming smaller than this brat of a girl, you tried to quickly intimidate Patty into standing up, "Yeah yeah, fucking hardy har, now get off!" While you still had some of your strength left, you let go of Patty's arms and pressed against her waist, trying to shove her off of you, but she already felt much heavier than before. You only managed to roll her to one side, lifting half of her ass from your chest, as she sat like a lump.

Stretching her newly freed arms, Patty coyly hummed down to you, "Mmm, why should I? Are you worried you're gonna like, get stuck beneath my cute butt again if you shrink anymore?"

As if on cue, you felt yourself becoming smaller. You frantically cupped both hands beneath Patty's huge pale buttock just to keep her increasingly unbearable mass from rolling back and crushing you beneath her. When the shrinking was over, you were hardly 3 feet tall, and your whole head was positioned right beneath where Patty's doughy ass cheek had previously been: if you let go, she’d roll right back onto you. You caught a glimpse of Patty grinning from around her hips to give you a bemused expression, "Uh oh! One more shrinking spell, and little Tommy might be done for!"

You shouted, "Stop trying to jinx me!" but you had to listen to Patty's laughter as her jiggling ass overflowed your hands.

Patty relented, though she was in no rush whatsoever to stand up. “Okay okay, sheesh, I was just having some fun!” Looking for something to keep herself amused, Patty dragged one fingertip up the length of your dick, and quietly giggled as she felt you struggling to keep her weight up. If you let go to stop her cockteasing, her panty clad ass would fall back down and crush entire upper body, and the both of you knew it.

You tried to shove her aside, but Patty responded by hefting her enormous ass right over your face, and then settling onto your hands, forcing you to support her weight or be crushed. And she didn’t even remove her hand from your groin as she wobbled back into place above you. Patty loved how quickly she had turned the tables on you after your brief time being full size, and she felt like rubbing it in. Still casually smearing a fingertip against the head of your penis, Patty smugly suggested, “Hmm, I’ll tell you what, Tommy. Since I think you’re kinda cute when you’re mad, maybe I’ll throw you a quick fuck while your cock is still almost full size.” The larger girl turned back to catch you grimacing beneath her. “If you hurry, you miiight even finish before you shrink anymore, haha!”

To your horror, you began to dwindle in size at just that moment. Feeling your arms buckling beneath her weight, Patty gave you one last self righteous grin before her ass slipped through your hands and crushed your whole upper body into the bench. Patty only chuckled and rolled her eyes as her ass bounced on top of you, “Y’know, if you had taken my earlier offer, I’d be sitting on your lap instead of your face right now.” Just to remind you of your poor decision, Patty gave her own sizeable ass a spank, making it jiggle right across your torso and face in a very obnoxious manner. “Oh well, hindsight is twenty twenty, huh?”.Patty snickered at her own joke as she glanced down and noticed that your erection had come to a rest right against one of her plump ass cheeks after your shrinking, and was now being bumped against her wobbling skin. The rest of your body had disappeared beneath her butt, which didn’t bother Patty at all, as she remained sitting over half of her leather bench.
May 31, 2023