Daisy continues her lesson
Casey notices how Daisy is enjoying herself with you, and, to her at least, you actually seem pretty comfortable wrapped around Daisy like that. She shrugs, “Well, if nothing else, at least you’ve got a huge pair of flotation devices for him to use in emergencies.”

“Heehee, you know it!” Daisy gives her breasts a proud squeeze around your head, then she realizes something. “That’s it! You’re a genius, Casey!” Daisy lets you go and has you float on your back again. Once you do, she rests the back of your head on top of her breasts, cradling it with them. You give her a puzzled look as she smiles down at you. “Don’t mind me, cutie. I’m just putting these all-natural floaties of mine to good use,” she explains while grabbing onto your shoulders. “Just relax and float, and I’ll hold onto you the whole way. ‘Kay?” It’s an unconventional teaching method, for sure, but, at this point, Daisy’s more concerned with keeping all your attention on her, rather than actually teaching you proper swim form. And this is the perfect way to further show off her body to you.

Daisy starts walking backwards, gently pulling your floating body along so it can get used to being adrift. You feel her breasts bobbing beneath your head, and you can’t help but think about how soft and heavy they feel, which does nothing to help bring your erection down. To make matters worse, Daisy takes the liberty of making you more “comfortable” by lowering your head deeper between her breasts, letting them slowly engulf your peripheral vision. As the two of you start to pass by Casey, she spots the obvious tent in your shorts, all thanks to Daisy’s teasing, which she finds hilarious. Having some fun, Casey grabs at the hem of your tight shorts as you float by. “Well lookie here. Someone’s enjoying his private lesson, but thatcan’t be comfortable. How’s about I take these off for you, stud? It might even help you float better.”

“W-what!? N-no, I--”

“Ooh, I like the sound of that,” Daisy chimes in with an impish smile. “Want to turn our swimming lesson into a skinny-dipping session, Tommy?” Your eyes lock on Daisy’s hand as she teases you by gently pulling down on the front of her swimsuit a little, revealing more swaths of her smooth, bronze skin to you.

You manage to pull your gaze away when you feel Casey give a firm tug at your shorts, nearly pulling them off in one go. In an embarrassed panic you quickly lift yourself out of Daisy’s cleavage to pull your shorts back up, and you panic even more when you realize you’ve lost your flotation support. To save yourself, you instinctively cling to Casey’s body this time, inadvertently burying your face into the side of one of her huge breasts. “Haha, woah there,” Casey laughs, pleasantly surprised by your little outburst. You feel her affectionately rub a hand against the back of your head as she enjoys you pressed against her. “Looks like the little guy would rather swim with me.”

Getting jealous, Daisy pulls you away from Casey and possessively hugs you against her again, shoving your face deep into her cleavage this time. “Hmph. Like, as if, Casey. You just spooked him, is all. Now stop distracting him so we can get back to my important lesson.” Casey shrugs and looks on as you two continue what you were doing, except this time Daisy has you floating on your stomach.

Still hugging your head to her chest, Daisy guides your floating body across the pool.Sure, her hefty bosom keeps your face from submerging in the water, but, with all this doughy flesh surrounding it now, it still almost feels like you’re drowning. Since Daisy’s so determined to keep you enamored with her, she barely lets you get a word in edgewise, and she stops you everytime you try and squirm loose, digging your head deeper against her. “Shh, just keep still, cutie. Do everything your gorgeous teacher says, and you’ll be a swimming pro in no time. Maybe then we can go back to that skinny dipping idea, heehee. For now, just relax and enjoy your own personal motorboat,” she hums.

With nothing to do but follow Daisy’s force-fed advice, you try to focus less on her tits in your face and more on the sensation of treading water on your own. “Ok, now, uh, kick your legs and paddle your arms,” she orders. You do as she says, feeling a little more confident in the water as you do. “Ok great, that looks like swimming, I guess.” I guess!?...Maybe taking swimming lessons from Daisy wasn’t such a great idea after all. “Now let’s try it for real!” Suddenly, Daisy lets you go and pulls away, leaving you on your own. You flail in surprise for a moment before managing to tread water by yourself. It’s actually much easier now, to your relief. “Yoohoo! Over here, cutie!” You look to see Daisy sitting on the pool ledge a few yards away, playfully kicking her thick, bare legs in the water as she waves to you. “Now, for your next lesson: swim your way to me. It’s easy. Just keep doing what I just showed you. You’ll be here in no time.”

Well, here goes nothing.

Option 1: You reach her successfully. Does Daisy reward you for being such a good student, or is it on to the next lesson.

Option 2: Ally, finished with her game, returns and interrupts the lesson somehow
May 31, 2023