"I'll teach you how to swim"
“Don’t worry, Tommy. I’ll teach you how to swim,” Daisy says as she proudly pounds a fist against her large chest, making it wobble. “Lucky for you, I used to be a lifeguard for a few summers before I worked here, and I was one of the best anyone at that public pool ever saw.”

You balk. You just met this girl, and she’s already insisting on giving you swimming lessons? That’s nice, you guess, but not what you wanted. You just want to slink away before anything else demeaning and/or dangerous (like nearly drowning between two girls twice your size) happens to you. “Look, that’s great and all, Daisy, but I really don’t--”

“Hey, wait, I remember that,” Casey chimes in, interrupting you as she calls out her old friend. “Best lifeguard? Please. You barely did a thing while you worked there, mostly just sitting on your ass all day and barking orders at people. You only took the job because you liked how well you filled out that tiny leotard they called a uniform, as well as all the looks you got from guys for it.”

Daisy gives Casey a sharp look. “Ok, so I was the best looking lifeguard there,” she admits. “But I still knew how to do my job: ‘barking orders’ and looking good doing it. Like they say: ‘thick thighs save lives.’” Smugly making her point to Casey, Daisy wriggles her hips in front of you, and you watch how the bottom of her swimsuit rides further up between her built legs, giving herself a wedgie.

Noticing that she has your attention, Daisy decides to take things a step further. She parts her legs just a little and slides the end of her foam noodle in between her thighs. You watch as the tip of the floatie disappears with a slow, powerful squeeze of Daisy’s legs, effortlessly crushed between them. “And anyone that was dumb enough not to listen to me learned that my thighs could end lives too, if they wanted. Basically, I was large and in charge,” she gloats, squeezing her strong thighs a couple more times as she does. You wince as you repeatedly hear the sound of foam crumpling beneath her feminine pressure. With threats like that, you can see why Daisy went on to become a pro wrestler.

Finally, she parts her legs, letting the crumpled noodle float through and bump against your dumbstruck face before drifting away. “So yeah, I’d say I’m more than qualified to teach our new friend how to swim a little. Don’t’cha think?” Daisy gives you a haughty look as she expects the right answer from you. It was just a small display of strength from Daisy’s long, shapely legs, but it was both intimidating and enticing enough to make you gulp a little, making you worry what she might do to you if she ever got her hands (or legs, rather) on you in an actual match. It's probably best you don't do anything that risks offending her. A few swimming pointers couldn't hurt, right?

“Uh, sure, Daisy. Swimming lessons would be great. Thanks for offering,” you say appeasingly.

Daisy gives a gleeful hop in the water, sending tantalizing quakes through her body, and sings “Great! Then let’s get started.” Suddenly, Daisy grabs you by the hand and pulls you towards a deeper part of the pool, where the water level just reaches her chest, and, at your size, it’s enough for you to get a little nervous. “Alright, now let’s see. What should the first lesson be…?” Your new teacher, with all her so called experience, can’t figure out the best place to start with you. As she takes a moment to cutely ponder what to do, she mindlessly lets you go. Your only support gone, you panic as you feel yourself start to sink. Trying to stay afloat, you madly splash and flail your arms about before glomping onto Daisy in desperation, wrapping yourself around her torso like a koala. The Hawaiian beauty lets out a startled coo upon feeling your sudden hug. She looks down to see your head cutely wedged into her wet cleavage and smiles, assuming that you’re just trying to get a little frisky with her.

Not one to reject the advances of a cute guy, Daisy puts a firm hand at the back of your head and gently presses you against her a little more. “Heehee, easy there, tiger. I know you must be excited to be getting lessons from the cutest, hottest, and all-around bestest swim coach in the world, but we haven’t even gotten started yet,” she giggles. You grumble against Daisy, her smothering breasts preventing you from explaining yourself as she holds you there for a few moments.

Ok, so Daisy might not be the super-qualified swim coach she claims to be (not that she’d ever admit it out loud), but she’s just loving all this attention you’re giving her. All she did was offer to give you a few pointers, and you’ve already gotten so clingy. It’s adorable. You must really be into her. In that case, she should figure out ways to make this lesson as “hands on” as possible for the both of you. Of course, her ego won’t even let her humor the thought that you weren’t trying to feel her up so much as you were just trying to keep yourself from drowning (no thanks to her own carelessness).

When she finally comes up with what to do with you, Daisy easily pulls you off her and holds you up at arms length. “Ooh, Ooh! I know where we can start: floating! Do you know how to float, cutie?” You shake your head. “It’s easy. All you have to do is relax and lie back in the water, your body will do the rest. Oh, and take a few deep, soothing breaths too, like this.” Providing a visual example, Daisy takes a few long breaths in front of you, and you watch as her chest repeatedly expands and contracts, making her buoyant breasts gently wobble atop the water. “Got it?” You absently nod your head. “Good.”

Daisy suddenly drops you in the water, believing you’ll learn best in a sort of “sink or swim” scenario. You start to panic again until you recall Daisy’s instructions. With nothing to lose, you still yourself and lie backwards. You feel yourself become weightless as the water gently holds you up. You’re actually floating! Daisy looks on in glee as you successfully float on your own, and on your first try, no less, no doubt because of her amazing teaching. “Yippee! You did it!” She applauds and bounces excitedly, making her body quake as it sends tremors through the water. Too caught up in the joy of finally floating for the first time, you barely notice the waves making your body drift away from Daisy a little. You finally catch on when you feel your head bump into something solid, with a large shadow suddenly looming overhead. You look up to see a familiar pair of huge, ebony breasts hovering just above your head. “You see that, Casey? I taught the little guy how to float in no time flat,” Daisy gloats while gliding towards the two of you, stopping just when she reaches your feet. “Told ya I’m an awesome teacher.”

Casey rolls her eyes. “Oh sure, great job Daisy. You taught him how to lie backwards. What next? You gonna teach him how to hold his breath, or would that be too much, even for the ‘bestest teacher in the world?’” Daisy harrumphs, not appreciating Casey’s sass. She splashes Casey as payback, making the black girl squeak in surprise. You watch as Casey’s body jolts above you before she retaliates with her own splash, the sudden movements making her breasts jiggle wildly. Before you know it, both girls have started a splash fight, and you’re caught in the crossfire.

Choppy waves toss you to and fro as you struggle to get out of there, let alone keep afloat. Amidst the chaos, you attempt to swim away, but your face winds up getting plastered against Daisy’s soft, warm cleavage again. You feel her breasts repeatedly jostle around your head as she continues splashing, making you a little dizzy. Casey eventually notices your predicament and calls for a ceasefire, pointing you out to Daisy in the process, though neither girl bothers to pull you free. “Whoops, guess your teaching didn’t stick after all, huh, Daisy?”

“It DID,” Daisy whines while protectively hugging you against her. “It’s just hard for the little guy to stay afloat with all us big girls causing a ruckus around him. Isn’t that right, Tommy?” Again, Daisy’s enormous tits in your face prevent you from responding. What’s more, this is the second time in as many minutes that you’ve been shoved against them, and it’s starting to have an obvious effect on you, much to your embarrassment. You try to pull your hips away so that Daisy won’t feel your growing erection poking at her, but her arms have you firmly trapped against her soft, wet body. “Hmm?” It doesn’t take long for Daisy to feel something prodding her, prompting her to curiously inspect the hard object by repeatedly shifting her thick thighs against it. When she notices your frustrated squirming, Daisy finally realizes that she’s been toying with your hard-on for her, and she smiles cheekily. She gently clamps her thighs around your cock, making you gasp, before whispering in your ear. “We really have been making it hard for you, haven't we, Tommy? Don’t worry. Your new favorite teacher can fix that.” She flexes her powerful legs around your cock a few times and titters upon feeling you squirm against her.
May 31, 2023