Daisy offers to help you swim
Ally and her friends seem nice enough (if not a little on the flirty side), so you guess it couldn’t hurt to stay for a bit. That said, with your lack of swimming skills, you probably shouldn’t stay in the water anymore than you have to, especially with this squad of bubbly girls horseplaying about. Struggling to tread water, you to say “Sure, Ally, I’ll hang out with you guys...but I think I’ll just have a seat over there while I do.” You hastily point to the closest pool ledge before dog-paddling your way toward it.

Ally smiles but quickly notices the trouble you’re having in the water. “Uh, do you need a hand, cutie? Cause I can help you over there, if you want.”

“No, no. I’m fine, thanks. I’ll just be *pant* over there if you need me.” You continue to paddle as best you can, pridefully refusing any help. Things have already gotten embarrassing enough for you. The last thing you need is for one of these girls to carry you out the pool like you’re a kid who got stuck in the deep end.

Thinking your stubbornness is pretty cute, Ally smiles again, but she still can’t help but show a little concern for her small, new friend. “Ok, if you say so. I’ll come find you as soon as we finish this game,” she promises before gliding her way back to the volleyball game.

Lacy follows, but not before deliberately passing by in front of you as you swim, giving you an enticing glance of her huge bikini-clad tits as they glide by. “Better watch where you’re going this time,” she taunts. “Who knows what might happen if you get too distracted again.” You grumble and try your best to ignore her.

As you slowly navigate through the water, you hear eventually someone yell "HERE I COOOOOOOME!!" You look up to see the (rather large) underside of one of the cheerleaders hurtling towards you like a cannonball. Before she crashes into the water, you manage to flail yourself out of the way, barely avoiding a direct impact. However, the huge splash generates a wave that sends you wildly off-course. You quickly find yourself barreling towards the back-end of another cheerleader, a beauty with a deep tan, standing in the shallower end of the pool. You desperately try and stop yourself, but the strong current makes it impossible. Within seconds your face plants directly against the abundantly soft rear of the unsuspecting girl, her round hips comfortably resting above water level.

"Hmm?" Feeling a curious thud against her butt, the curvy Hawaiian girl turns around and spots you. Amazingly, she hardly seems fazed by your sudden (and unusual) appearance, let alone the fact that you've introduced yourself by ramming into her butt. She smiles, "hey there, cutie. My name's Daisy. What's yours?"

You cough out some of the pool water you just swallowed. "I'm Tom, a new wrestler here."

Daisy arches an eyebrow. "Aren't you a little short to be a wrestler?"

"Aren't you a little big to be swimming in this part of the pool," you quickly snap. You're still frustrated with Touko over what she's done to you, and Daisy struck a nerve with her question, whether she meant to or not.

You immediately feel a twinge of regret for your rude comment, but Daisy doesn't seem bothered by it at all, "Oooh, feisty! Maybe you are a good fit here." In fact, it almost looks like she took it as a compliment, judging from the smile she’s giving you. Actually, upon looking her over, you quickly realize that Daisy’s figure is nothing to scoff at, and her swimsuit only serves to further accentuate it. It’s a black one piece, with a plunging neckline that shows off her full cleavage, and a series of horizontal slits running up each side of her waistline that shows off large portions of her bulging flesh. You also see she's holding onto a long foam noodle while a medium-sized inner-tube floats adjacent. While you of all people can understand the use of floatation devices, you're not sure how either of those flimsy floaties can properly support someone as built as Daisy. Suddenly, you hear Daisy clear her throat. "Now, is there something this big girl can help you with, little guy, or are you just gonna sit there staring? 'Cause I don't really mind which."

"N-no, I'm fine. Just heading over there." You try to maneuver your way around the bodacious cheerleader, but, even in the shallow end, your incompetence in the water shows, as you resort to hopping on your tiptoes rather than actually swimming. The tanned cheerleader notices your cute fumbling and giggles.

Just as you manage to make it halfway around her, Daisy gracefully slips herself in front of you again, not wanting such a cute guy to leave so soon, especially after getting such an eye-full. "You sure about that? Looks to me you're having some trouble there. I can help, y'know."

Annoyed by Daisy's continued interference, you shoot her a look, trying to ignore the way her shifting hips and jiggling breasts move in front of you. "I told you. I'm fine," you insist.

"Like, do you even know how to swim?"

"I do!...a little.” Fed up with Daisy’s persistence, you say, “look, I don't need any help, so just--" Suddenly, a figure rises up from the water directly below the inner-tube next to Daisy. You see a chocolate-skinned beauty emerge through the floaty and quickly fill up the space inside it with an abundant pair of hips. You recognize this new girl as the one who nearly cannonballed on you less than a minute ago. She wears a black, v-shaped sling bikini that shows off even more skin than Daisy: two vertical strips of cloth running from between her legs to behind her neck--and only covering a portion of her enormous breasts in the process--were connected by a single knotted string perched above her cleavage.

You gawp as the glistening girl wipes her long, wet hair from her face and sees Daisy. “Hey, girl.”

“Hey, Casey,” Daisy greets.

Casey notices you. “Who’s this?”

“He’s Tommy, the new guy, and he can’t swim.” Irritated by that last part, you try to reiterate to Daisy that you can swim, but she ignores you. “Fortunately for him, he’s bumped into the perfect girl to help him with his swimming problem.”

What does Daisy suggest?
May 31, 2023