When you finally notice the shadow, you look up to see Tammy's creamy booty plummeting towards you. There's no time for you to move, so you watch in horror as her ass slams against you and plops onto the bench, easily engulfing your body. "I call first dibs on the vanity table," Tammy declares, using the mirror to adjust her hair.

Once again caught off guard by her sister's impulsiveness, Sammy says, "Wha--H-hey! No fair! I won that match for us. I should get to use it first!"

Tammy turns her head towards her sister and says, "Too bad. My butt's here first, which means I get to use it first." She cutely sticks her tongue out at Sammy while grinding her butt on the bench to gloat. You feel immense heat radiating from Tammy's supple flesh as it smears itself all over your body. The overwhelming friction from her giant ass makes your body move from the middle of one of her cheeks to the middle of her ass crack, your head, torso, and cock getting pressed between her cheeks as their rubbing stimulates you.

Sammy gives a long, exasperated sigh before walking to her side of the room. "Ugh, fine. Use the dumb table. I'll go get changed instead. Just don't take too long with it, cause I'm gonna use it as soon as I'm done," she orders as she storms off.

"Whatever," Tammy says, turning her attention back to the mirror. "It's not like you use it for much anyways, besides admiring yourself in the mirror while you flex and lift weights." For the next few minutes, Tammy hums pleasantly while grooming herself, unknowingly bearing down on you with all her weight. Every now and then, she shifts around and effortlessly stimulates you by having her warm cheeks squeeze and grind against your cock, which quickly grows erect despite your vain attempts to ignore Tammy's amazing ass pressing against you. To grab a hairbrush from across the table, Tammy briefly gets up, leaving your battered body on the bench to breath for a moment. Still reeling, you don't have time to even consider escaping before she sits back down, crushing you again as your hard cock jabs against her.

Tammy starts to brush her long, blond hair, but notices something different about her seat. Curious, she gently rubs her butt back and forth against it to investigate. It's like something is poking against her, but it's not exactly uncomfortable either. In fact, something about it feels kind of nice. Just what it it?...To get a good look, she gets up and turns around, spotting something that looks like a tiny male action figure lying on her bench.

Finally free again, you will yourself to move before you get crushed a third time. Startled by your sudden movement, Tammy lets out a loud squeak, which her sister hears from across the room. "Pipe down, will ya," she chides, still in the middle of changing clothes. "The match is over, so you can stop hamming it up now."

Ignoring her sister's yelling, Tammy watches in shock and awe as you slowly stand up on the bench and try to regain your composure. You eventually look up and see her staring at you, the shock on her face replaced with fascination. The cat's out of the bag now. Unsure of what to do, you wave at Tammy and give a polite greeting, "Um, hi there." She seems nice enough. Maybe if you talk with her, she might be willing to help you. It's extremely difficult, but you try your best to keep eye contact, avoiding any prolonged stares at her skimpy outfit or giant breasts wobbling above you.

Tammy seems just as enthralled by the sight of you as you are of her. To get a closer look, she kneels down in front of you. You gulp as you notice her massive boobs looming closer to you, their abundant flesh spilling past the tight, thin strips holding them back. "A-are you for real," she asks, her eyes filled with wonder.

"Uh, yeah," you answer, struggling to keep cool with Tammy's tits so close to you. You feel your cock throb at the sight of them, even though they could crush you just as easily as her ass did. Struggling to keep focused, you say, "I'm actually a new wrestler here, believe it or not. But some stuff happened, and now I'm like this. I'm just trying to get back to my room so I can finally get settled." You think you see a flash of concern in Tammy's eyes, so you decide to ask for help and hope for the best. "Would you mind helping me out, and maybe not tell anyone about this while you're at it?"

Tammy quickly glances at her sister, who just finished changing and is approaching the table now, then back at you. What does she say?

Option 1: She agrees to help you and hides you from Sammy
Option 2: Ignoring what you just said, she reveals you to Sammy
Option 3: She agrees to help you, but only if you help her and Sammy settle some of the arguments they've been having (Ex: Who has the better boobs/butt, who's the better wrestler, who should own the vanity table, etc.)
May 31, 2023