You get double-crossed by the Pink Princess
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Just before you made contact with Patty, she rolled to one side and kicked you with one leg, causing you to veer off course. Since you hadn't expected her to move, as per her promise, you awkwardly fell onto the mat, before Patty pushed you with another kick towards the ropes again. You landed upside-down with your head one side of the middle rope, and your outstretched arms on the other side, but before you could right yourself Patty had appeared. The curvaceous girl had hooked your legs over the top rope, draping you over the whole thing with your hips in the air, before she hopped up and landed her enormous ass right against your groin. Patty then reached down and grabbed your arms, locking you against the ropes as you had no limbs with which to maneuver with. The crowd, just witnessing this very impressive looking reversal by the Pink Princess, went wild. The ropes were bobbing up and down under your and Patty's weight, with her planted firmly against your waist, as she laughed and replied loudly to your earlier boast, "Yeah right, shorty! The only place YOU'RE staying is beneath my royal rump, where you belong!" The crowd shrieked with laughter, and cheered their beloved Princess, as your head spun and your back ached from patty yanking on your arms so roughly, while you tried to ignore the feeling of Patty's gigantic butt cheeks rubbing against your expanding crotch.

As Patty continued to bounce on the ropes, using you like a chair, you craned your neck to look up, and croaked, "What the hell, Patty? I thought we had a deal?"

Patty laughed down at your complaints, "Haha, sorry tiny Tommy! I just couldn't resist, you made it all too easy you know!" Then the pink-haired girl grinned and wiggled her ass back and forth, playfully squishing her plush ass into your hardening cock as she chided, "Plus I'm just soooo comfy here!"

Deciding you didn't need Patty's cooperation to win, since you had been practically letting her kick your ass this entire time, you grumbled, "Fine then, deal's off! I'll win this the old fashioned way." You winced as you felt Patty tug on your arms again, sending a jolt of pain through you, as she turned to lean over and look down at you, simultaneously twisting her ass over your now very hard member.

You caught a glimpse of Patty grinning at you past her round breasts as she cooed tauntingly, "Ooooooh! Is that so, mister big shot? Well, if you really think you can take me on, at half my size..." You were about to point out that you were way bigger than half her size, when Patty began bouncing her ass lightly up and down against you, and ignoring your arguing. You groaned as you felt Patty's soft cheeks bouncing against either side of your erection, battering underneath her warm flesh, as Patty turned to the audience and shouted, "It looks like this fool isn't quite ready to submit to his Princess! And I'm still in need of a proper throne... just what am I to do?"

You could hear the crowd cheering the Princess on as she humiliated you by grinding her massive hips against your sensitive cock like you were a toy, as another dizzy spell came over you. You couldn't tell if it was from being upside down for so long or what, but your heart was racing and the ring began to spin. Everything went black for just a few seconds, and you felt yourself slipping from the ropes.

By the time you came back, you had fallen to the mat and Patty was standing over you, laughing victoriously. "Uh oh, looks like our brave little rebel is back for one last punishment from his Princess!" Patty declared. You struggled to your feet, only something felt wrong... you stood up to your full height, and realized that you had to look up to even see the underside of Patty's enormous chest. Patty's eyes went wide as she started laughing, while the crowd began gasping and cheering wildly. You were barely more than two feet tall, now! Just like Patty had threatened, you really were half her size now... Even Patty, at her short stature, towered above you. Her thick legs alone were as big as your whole body, and her enormous hips were now almost eye-level for you, giving you a perfect view of her leather-clad crotch and tanned stomach. Patty put a hand on her hips and teased, "Tsk tsk, you shouldn't have gone back on our deal, Tommy the Tiny!"

You frowned, angry that Patty had somehow shrunken you further, and got into a defensive stance. With great ease, Patty stepped forward and hooked a leg behind you, shoving your face forward into her crotch for a moment, completely ignoring your resistance. Patty took another step forward, tripping you and mashing your face between her thighs, before kicking one foot up and flipping your now unbalanced body into the air. You landed with your back on the turnbuckle and your head resting on the cushioned post, but before you could sit up you saw Patty clambering up after you, grinning wickedly.

You sat up and shouted at the giant woman, now legitimately angry, "What the hell, Pa-mmmff!" You were cut off briefly as two enormous breasts mashed into your face, as Patty leaned forward to help pull herself up onto the turnbuckle. You Patty snicker as your face was silenced by just one of her breasts, before she finished climbing up and once again looked down at you from high above. The crowd was still cheering for the Princess to finish you off as she Patty gave you a pompous smile and sneered, "Well well! Look who I have at my mercy, and WITHOUT using any shady deals or cheating, like you wanted to!" You gawped, amazed at this girl who had convinced herself that she was somehow the righteous one even after double-crossing you.

You balked "This is so unfair! I'm not even two feet ta-" but you were cut off as Patty interrupted you by lifting her now car-sized ass above you and falling forward, slamming you down against the post. Patty's enormous ass cheeks jiggled on either side of your tiny head and chest as Patty laughed derisively. Just to make things worse for you (and more fun for her), Patty reached back and hiked her shorts up further, giving herself a wedgie that dragged your face further between her ass cheeks. Now sitting cutely on the wrestling ring post, with your entire upper body hidden beneath her wide hips, Patty began rocking from side to side as the crowd cheered her on, and she declared, "Ahhh, that's much better! A throne fit for a Princess!" You could hardly breath as Patty laughed and waved at the crowd, which was going absolutely wild.

You struggled against Patty's ass, only managing to shift her lightly to one side or to cause her to bounce momentarily up and down against your face, as you weren't nearly strong enough to completely lift her off of your body. Your small arms slapped against her round ass cheeks, sending ripples through her ass that amused her greatly. Patty, deciding to add insult to injury, leaned back a bit, putting more of her weight on your chest and crushing some of the air from your lungs as she playfully began running one finger up and down your throbbing cock. With you clearly pinned, Patty shouted, "That's right ladies! The Pink Princess continues her legacy, and dominates Tommy the Tiny in his first debut match! You heard it here first, folks!" You groaned angrily into Patty's ass cheeks as she laughed amidst the crowd's excited cheering and the speakers blaring Pink Princess's victory music, while Patty began wiggling her hips along to the music, and kicking her legs, burying you under more pressure. Patty finally took her hand away from your crotch, though only because she needed both hands to wave and blow kisses to her the throng of bouncing girls in the front row of the audience, who were holding signs that said things like "We love you Princess!" and "Pink Rules!"

After a few minutes, Patty finally lifted herself off of you, pausing to look down between her legs as you choked for air. Patty rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Pff, too easy." Then she hopped down to the mat, but not before brushing your face against her ass one last time as she dropped down. You were left battered and broken on the turnbuckle post, until the announcer came over and grabbed you with her soft but firm hands, and brought you to the middle of the ring. A loud voice boomed, "WINNER, BY K.O., IS THE EVER LOVELY PRINCESS PIIIINK!"

Your head was still spinning as you watched Patty shaking her chest and waving gleefully to more raucous applause of the audience. The announcer, professional that she was, ushered you forward and said, "AND LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR THE FEISTY TOMMY THE.. UH... TOMMY THE TINYYYY!" You groaned again, realizing that Patty's nickname for you was here to stay. Patty looked over her shoulder and gave you a smug look, as if she had won more than just a rigged wrestling match, but the crowd began cheering for you all the same, which lifted your spirits.

You raised your sore arms and gave a few humble bows to the crowd, until Patty, tired of you stealing her spotlight, began walking off stage only to pretend to trip and fall, landing right on top of you as you were mid-bow. You were once more slammed into the mat, face down, as Patty pretended to be surprised by her clumsiness, and said, "Whoopsy! Sometimes I'm not quite as regal as I should be!" Patty made sure to bouncer her hips on top of your head, pressing you insultingly into the ground as she basked in another bout of laughter from the audience. After enduring another minute underneath the spoiled brat that was now over twice your size, you were finally able to stand up as Patty got to her feet and strutted off to be met by her cheering fans, which followed her to the changing room doors.

Two female staff members, clad in bikinis (you figured they were ring girls), helped you up and escorted you off the ring. Several people seemed eager to talk to you, but you were too dazed and sore, as the ring girls lead you towards...
May 31, 2023
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