Sammy and Tammy's Dressing room
You plummet for a while into the room below until you finally land on a semi-soft leather bench, cushioning your fall a bit. After you take a moment to recover, you look over your surroundings. Judging from the amoirs and clothing racks, as well as the fact that you're standing on a bench in front of a vanity table, you can only guess that you've landed in someone's dressing room. It's a little bigger than your average dressing room (certainly bigger than your closet of a room), but something about the way it's furnished seems odd, like it were split down the middle.

To your right, you see colorful walls, vanity magazines, and a bouquet of stylish outfits strewn about, but, to your left, all you see are blank walls, hand weights, and an exercise ball. It's like one of those sitcoms where two opposing personalities have to begrudgingly share a room. Just as you wonder what wrestler would arrange their room like this, you spot a poster featuring Sammy and Tammy Lee, the Fighting Twins. This must be their room, which they have to share, and, given that they like to fight each other as much as they fight their opponents, they're probably none too happy about that. Fortunately, they don't seem to be here right now, so maybe you can scurry out before anyone can--

Suddenly, the door straight across the room swings open, revealing a cheerful Tammy doing a dramatic entrance."Yippe! Another win for, the awesome, the fantastic, the bodacious Fighting Twins!" As she says this, she strikes a few flashy poses, for no one but herself, then steps inside. Her sister Sammy soon follows, looking much less pleased.

A sour look on her face, Sammy closes the door behind her and coolly rests her back against it while crossing her arms, hefting her large breasts. She chides, "don't know what you're acting all cheery for. I did most of the work during that last match. You were just goofing around, as usual..."

"Yeah, but at least I looked amazing while doing so. I knew the audience would just love the new swimsuits I got us," Tammy retorts, referring to the outfits they're wearing. Instead of their usual bikinis, Tammy and Sammy are wearing gold and silver sling bikinis, respectively, showing off even more skin while the long straps cling to their curvaceous figures. From a glance, you notice that Sammy is the more muscular and well-toned of the two but still fills her suit out very well, while Tammy's suit strains to hold in the extra plush flesh she's packing compared to her sister. Tammy turns around towards Sammy, unknowingly giving you a good, long look at her jiggling ass as she happily bounces in place. "A wrestler's gotta know how to spice things up a bit, sis, even with their outfits," she states matter-of-factly.

"Hmph. Is that why you kept making such a spectacle of yourself whenever you had one of your little 'wardrobe malfunctions'," Sammy asks.

Tammy gives her sister a playful look while bending over, jutting her gargantuan rear towards you while wiggling it in place. "Heehee, maaaabyeee," she says coyly. Sammy rolls her eyes. "Oh don't be like that, sis," Tammy says while standing back up. "The crowd was eating it up. Plus, it distracted our opponent long enough for you to get the drop on them and finish things off. So I helped plenty."

"Whatever," Sammy snorts. "Y'know, sooner or later, they're gonna get sick of all your dumb, flashy antics."

Undeterred by her sister's abrasive demeanor, Tammy counters. "Judging from the cheers I got during the last match, I beg to differ. In fact, maybe you could finally join me in some of those 'antics' next time. You're (almost) as pretty as me with a rockin' bod most would kill for. If you learn how to flaunt yourself a little more, we could really make a splash as the best tag-team here."

"As if. Like I'd ever want to make a fool of myself like you do," Sammy growls before finally walking away from the door. "Enough dawdling. Let's just get ready, already." Pausing their conversation, Sammy and Tammy proceed to settle down and get ready for the rest of their day. They still haven't noticed you, which is good. You don't want to try and explain why there's a tiny, naked man running around in their room, so you focus on coming up with a way to sneak out of here unnoticed. Little do you know that you're in an especially dangerous spot.

Hizuki never got around to ordering another vanity table for the twins, so they're forced to share one, much to their dismay. The bench they use isn't big enough to comfortably fit both of them, and they often fight for territory over it, especially whenever they both have to use it at once. If you're not careful, you could wind up getting sat on by both of them. Just as you're coming up with an escape plan, a shadow looms over you.
May 31, 2023