Becky leaves you stuck under Betty
Thanks to Becky's incessant scheming and teasing, you're beyond frustrated right now--in more ways than one--and there's nothing you can do about it, what with the Inebriated Wonder Bust and her giant naked bosom carelessly resting atop you. Fed up with her games, you try and demand Becky to finally free you. "Becky...get me...outta here...alread-mmfffh!" Betty, becoming a very restless sleeper, starts to shift in place more, once again silencing you by clenching part of her soft cheeks around your cock while pressing her mammoth breasts further against you, this time her flesh filling the sliver of light you had left beneath her. Maybe it's the blood draining from your brain to your cock making you delusional, but you could swear you heard a soft giggle from Betty. She is still asleep, right?

Noticing that Betty has silenced you with her body once again, Betty finally takes her hand of your cock but continues acting coy, pretending to just now remember you. "Oh riiiiiight! I was so focused on taking my pictures, I almost forgot about my new little friend, buried under all this Wonder Bust." Becky knows damn well where you've been this time, and you squirm under Betty as you try to furiously tell her off. The Big Bully gives a wicked chortle as she listens to you helplessly buzzing beneath her rival. "What's that, widdle Tommy? You want me to get you out of there?" Finally! She's listening to you. "But why would I ever do that?" Dammit!! "You and Betty here really seem to be enjoying your little 'wrestling match.' It'd be cruel of me to take you out of it just as things are getting interesting. In fact, just cause I'm so nice: how about I help heat things up a little before I go?"

There's a pause, allowing you to fear what else Becky has in store for you, before she takes a finger and firmly presses it against your cock to ensure it's fully in between Betty's warm butt cheeks, making you writhe. The stimulation increases tenfold when Becky takes both hands and strongly squeezes both Betty's cheeks around your raging erection, fully engulfing it. You feel yourself going mad from the pleasure as Becky repeatedly, unrelentingly bounces and squeezes Betty's plump ass against your cock. During your aroused stupor, you start to hear soft giggling again. At first you think it's Becky, but you quickly realize it's Betty, the stimulation from Becky toying with her sensitive butt tickling her and making her wiggle even more atop you. Is she finally waking up?

"Mmmm, grope for freedom all you want, you vile fienddd *yawn* there's no hope for you beneath my inescapabllllle Wonder Bust," you hear her say drowsily. Wait, is she actually still asleep, and dreaming about a match!? Damn, she's a hard sleeper! Judging from her giggling and the fact that she's sleeping through Becky's blatant toying with her body, Betty must be really enjoying her dream. "Now face the judgement of my Boob Barrageeee *yawn*" While Becky still toys with your cock with Betty's butt, Betty starts wiggling even more against you, mashing her breasts further against you and flattening you against the couch beneath her. While Betty happily bashes her subconscious opponent, your mind reels from all the stimulation. The familiar tingling sensation intensifies quickly and signals your oncoming shrinking.

Just as you feel like you're about to burst from both girls teasing you, Becky suddenly stops, and Betty stops wiggling a few moments later, returning to her soft snoring. Just when you think the worst is behind you, Betty suddenly flips over on the couch, bringing you with her. Getting comfortable, she carelessly sprawls herself across the couch, letting her arms and legs hang off the front and back, while your smaller body lays atop her, your erection still held in place between her thick thighs. You manage to lift your head and, to your dismay, realize you really have shrunk again. Your face was stuck against her chest moments ago, but now your head can barely reach the underside of her breasts. You take a moment to silently agonize over the fact that, in all the time you've spent putting up with Becky and her antics in order to get some of the antidote, you've wound up even smaller than before. At least you can finally breathe again...

Breaking your train of thought, Becky decides to have a seat, on you. You grunt when she plops her big ass down directly on your lower body, forcing you to shove your erection even further between Betty's legs. She smugly wiggles and bounces herself atop you, making you hump Betty repeatedly while she continues sleeping. "Haha, this is too easy," she taunts. For posterity, she takes one last picture: a selfie of her sitting atop a drunk, unconscious Betty and helpless little you. Becky spends a little while admiring her photo before finally getting off you. She looks back and notices that you've shrunk. Oozing with smugness at all she put you through, Becky laughs and says, "Awwww, did Tiny Tommy shrink so much that he can't reach Betty's boobies anymore? Here, let your big friend Becky help." With that, she picks you up, plucking your cock free from Betty's thighs, and promptly shoves your head back between Betty's enveloping breasts. Before you can even attempt to escape, Betty unconsciously wraps an arm around you, blissfully hugging you against her like a warm teddy bear.

Becky giggles while watching your vain struggles for freedom, then says ,"come to think of it, little man, I still have a vial of your antidote, don't I? Well you didn't really hold up your end of the bargain, considering I took all the pictures, so I guess I'll hold on to it for now." You furiously buzz against Betty again, intending to tell Becky off. "Sorry, tiny. That's business. But drop by my room sometime, and I'm sure we can work out another deal...if you can make it, that is. Enjoy your 'match', small fry." You hear Becky cackle as she walks out of the dressing room, leaving you alone with the sleeping Betty.

Try as you might, you can't escape from Betty's sleeping hold. Trapped in her arms and her breasts, you'll just have to wait until an opening to escape presents itself, most likely when she wakes up. After what feels like hours, you hear Betty groan as she stirs awake beneath you. After getting so drunk, how will she react upon finally finding you? Does she even remember you?
May 31, 2023