Becky "convinces" you to help her prank Betty
"And I want you to help me get some payback," Betty says, scowling as she recalls the person who wronged her.

"Against who," you ask, struggling to look up at Becky's face past her massive ass in front of you.

"Little miss Betty Wonder Bust, the so-called 'hero' of the DWA," she seethes. "She got in a lucky hit on me during our match earlier and wound up winning, gloating that 'Justice always prevails' or some other nonsense as she walked out." Becky takes a few moments to silently fume at her loss before stamping her foot in anger, making her ass furiously quiver in front of you. "Ugh, if that that smarmy goody-two-shoes thinks she can get away with making me look bad, she's got another thing coming!" Taking a few more seconds to calm down, Becky looks back at you and smiles evilly, recounting her plan for revenge. "Which is where you come in, my little friend."

"Uh, w-what do you want me to do exactly," you ask, unsettled by the look on Becky's face.

"Oh nothing much," she says coyly, gently swaying her hips in front of you as she starts digging for something in her cleavage. She pulls out a cell phone from between her breasts and hands it to you. "I just need you to take a few incriminating photos documenting everyone's beloved Wonder Bust behaving scandalously while drunk," she adds. Becky snickers to herself. "Haha, I can't wait to see the look on her face when those photos get out. The righteous Wonder Bust, reduced to a pitiful drunken mess. Her fans would never look at her the same again."

Becky's laughter makes her big ass bounce in front of you, but you try and keep focused. "Wait, if Betty is as straitlaced as you say, how am I supposed to take pictures of her drunk? It sounds like she won't even touch a beer, let alone drink one."

Becky stops laughing and gives you an impish smile. "Already taken care of, my little pawn. Before I came here, I dropped off a cold six-pack by Betty's door with a note from a 'longtime fan and passionate lover of justice,' one who wants to thank her for her 'inspiring exploits' by giving her something to help her...relax. Hee hee. "

"And just that will be enough to make her drink it?"

"For a fan-pleaser like Betty? Of course! Her dumb conscious will never allow her to do anything that'll disappoint her fans, like snubbing gifts from them." Becky snickers as she imagines Betty drinking. "Thing is: 'round here, Betty is a notorious lightweight when it comes to drinking. The spaz can't hold in her alcohol at all. All it takes is one sip and, ho ho, she is a sight to behold, let me tell you. She's probably already a drunken mess as we speak, which means..." Betty takes another half step forward, giving you slightly more room to move from behind her. "You'd better get going, little lackey. Those pictures aren't gonna take themselves," she orders, but you hesitate.

Yeah, you want to get your size back, but not exactly like this. You don't know Betty, but she seems nice enough. More importantly, she hasn't teased you, used you, or do anything to piss you off like the other girls here have (not yet at least...). If it were someone like, say, Patty, who humiliated you, that'd be a different story, but pranking someone like Betty might leave a bad taste in your mouth. What's more, if you get caught, you're more than likely to end up on her bad side, and, considering she can take on Becky, the woman who's been dominating you with just her big ass, that's probably a bad move. "Uh, I don't know about this, Becky. I think this feud should be kept between you two" you start, hoping to reason with her. "I'm the new guy here. If I do this and get caught, it'll be my ass on the line.

Becky frowns at your words and takes a step back, blocking your way with her imposing rear again. "The only thing you should be worried about is MY ass on YOUR face." She gives her ass a proud slap, signaling what she's about to do as it ripples. "Word of advice, shrimp: you really shouldn't do anything that'll piss off a woman whose ass can cover your entire head. If you've already forgotten, maybe you need another demonstration." Before you can protest, Becky shoves her hips back, slamming her ass against you and pinning you against the wall again. She sighs in pleasure as she feels your face sink between her thick cheeks, her soft flesh swelling around your head and pressing against the wall behind you. She starts to slowly twist her hips left and right, effortlessly moving your tiny head with just her massive butt as you groan against it.

"Now, Tommy, you're welcome to refuse my request, just as I'm welcome to keep you pressed against my beautiful ass, which--judging from your little stiffy--you clearly love." Becky bends over, her tensing cheeks increasing the pressure on your head, and gives your erection a flick, marking you convulse against her. She chuckles and lets out another relaxed sigh. "So I think I'll just rest my big ass here, moving it left and right, back and forth, allll day long." Becky lets out a small gasp in fake surprise. "Oh, but wait, Tommy, what about your 'arousal-induced shrinking," she asks, pretending to be concerned. "If we stay like this, my beautiful booty might turn you on so much that you'll just keep shrinking, and shrinking, and shrinking," she continues, gyrating her hips with every syrupy word to tease you immensely. You feel yourself getting dizzy as your cock throbs from Becky's teasing. Desperate for freedom, you weakly slap at her ass, which only makes her thick cheeks bounce against you more, much to her pleasure. Becky laughs again before continuing. "You'll get so, so small that you'll get trapped inside my big, big ass, and soon everyone, in including me, will forget all about you: the little wrestler who wanted to make it big but got lost in something much, much bigger. All because you didn't choose to help me with a simple prank...understand?"

Ensuring she gets her point across, Becky continues rolling her powerful hips against you for another minute, lulling you into submission. She feels your hands slide off her ass and droop to the side, dropping the phone she gave you. Either you've decided to help, or you passed out against her. Though neither would surprise her, she assumes the former. Becky lifts herself completely off you and says, "Glad we're finally seeing eye to eye, Tommy. Or should I say face to ass, haha." You'd curse her off if you weren't gasping for air, so you simply nod in compliance. "Alright, now chop-chop, short stuff. Betty won't stay drunk forever," Becky demands, quickly putting the phone back in your hand and kicking you out of your own dressing room before you catch your breath. "I'll be waiting," she says expectantly as you walk off.

You mutter to yourself as you walk down the hall to Wonder Bust's dressing room. Oh well, maybe if you just get this over with, things might turn out better for you. If you're lucky, this might blow over before escalating into another awkward situation for you. You just can't get caught.

You arrive at Betty's room and see that the door is open. You peek inside and notice a raven-haired woman sitting at a vanity table with her head down. That must be Betty, passed out apparently. You slowly sneak inside to get a better look. Along the way you spot the six-pack Becky mentioned, with one of the cans open. You pick it up and notice it's still practically full. Becky wasn't kidding about Betty being a lightweight. You eventually reach Betty at her table and get a good look at her. You blush when you realize she's half naked, her flashy leotard pulled halfway down her body and her mask pulled partway above her eyes. Apparently, she was in the middle of changing (or just stripping) when the beer made her pass out, leaving her in this disheveled state with her huge, naked breasts hanging out. You have to admit, even like this, Betty looks pretty, with an attractive innocence to her. You still hate to do this, but Becky isn't giving you a choice. You hold up the phone to take a few pictures, but you drop it like a klutz! The phone falls to the floor with a thud loud enough to stir Betty awake.

"Hmmm, who's there," she slurs as she raises her head. Betty turns her head towards you, her tired eyes blinking as they slowly focus on you. You panic, not sure how Betty will react to find you. Now that you think about it, Becky never told you what kind of drunk Betty is. It sounds like she'll be much different than her usual nice self, which could prove bad for you if you're not careful.

Just what kind of drunk is she?

Option 1: She's rowdy and aggressive, either upset to find a stranger in her room or hallucinating that she's in a match

Option 2: She's amorous and flirty, excited to find a man in her room

Option 3: She's drowsy, immediately passing out and giving you a chance to take the pictures unnoticed
May 31, 2023