You manage to hang on
A huge thud is heard as the biggest woman you’ve ever had the misfortune of wrestling pulverizes you with her entire weight. You don’t even get the benefit of getting crushed beneath something soft, like her tits or ass; it’s just you sandwiched between her broad back and the cold, hard mat. Bruised, battered, and nearly beaten by Jesse’s desperate onslaught, you still manage to hold on for dear life behind her, knowing your stretchy sleeper hold is your best and only option to beat her. If you could just hold on for a little longer, she’ll be out like a light.

Fortunately, your efforts have pushed Dulce Dolor further into the corner than she ever expected. The stress from getting suffocated, coupled with the humiliation of possibly losing to a complete newbie less than half her size, has hampered her rational thinking. Instead of staying put and opting to slowly crush you into unconsciousness beneath her weight, she panics and rolls back onto her stomach, relieving you of all her pressure. She thrashes about on all-fours, hoping her desperate throes will be enough to buck you off, but it’s not enough. Finally, collapses in exhaustion, sending another small quake through the ring.

The crowd goes silent as the referee examines Dulce Dolor. There’s no doubt about it: she’s KO’ed. The ref raises your hand, picking up your exhausted body along with it, and announces you the winner! You just won your first DWA match, and while shrunk no less!! Relief washes over you as the crowd chants your name. After such a crazy first day, you’re finally a player in the big leagues.

You don’t have long to enjoy the moment of peace though. Within moments you hear a group of frenzied screams approaching. “TOMMYYYY!!!” You turn your head just in time to see Ally and her troupe excitedly storm the ring to congratulate you on your victory. Your entire vision is quickly enveloped in perky, bouncy cheerleader bosoms. Ally in particular wastes no time in barrelling towards you and glomping you against her, hugging you much like she did back in the gym after you grew back to 2 feet. “Oh, I was so worried! She didn’t hurt you too bad, did she?” You’re a little embarrassed by the public display of affection, but the familiar sensation of Ally’s huge, soft breasts squishing against your entire upper body is still a welcome feeling. In her joy, Ally is admittedly squeezing you a little too tight, but her warm way of manhandling you is far gentler than what Dulce Dolor just put you through, helping to ease your weary body. “How’re you feeling?”

You manage to pry your head from her cleavage and say, “I’m still a little shook, but I’m better now that you’re here. I gotta say, it looks our little gym session was just what I needed to prep me for this match.” You wink. “So thanks, ‘coach.’” You’re mostly referring to the fact that Ally managed to get you back to a height just big enough for your sleeper hold to work, but everything else she did to you sure as hell wasn’t bad either.

Ally giggles. “You little sweet talker. Well then, as your coach, it’s only fair I give you an extra-special reward for all our ‘hard work’ paying off.” Still holding you tight, Ally puckers up and leans in to give you a big kiss, overwhelming your mouth with her plump lips. “MMMWAH!” After stealing most of your breath with her vacuum-like kiss, Ally pulls her soft lips away with a loud smack, giving you a moment to breathe, but she isn’t done yet. “Mwah! Mwah! MWAH!...” Ally continues to pepper your face and upper body with tantalizing kisses, smothering you with her affection while covering you in visible lipstick marks. Getting enthralled by Ally’s tantalizing reward, and still too exhausted from your match to move, you can’t even manage to tell her to stop. Your arms droop to your sides as she slowly pulls you in closer, keeping you dazed and fully aroused by her close proximity and affectionate teasing. The sight of you mumbling melting in Ally’s arms as she assaults you with kisses is enough to make many of the cheering fans wonder if DWA’s got itself a cute new power-couple now.

Ally’s feeling excited too. Her relief over having her favorite new boy-toy back safe and sound, coupled with the absolutely adorable way you’re responding to her kisses, is releasing a swell of emotions that’s making her feel friskier by the second. Just as Ally considers stuffing you back into her cleavage so you can motorboat the hell out of her in front of everyone, Lacy interrupts. “Heehee. Geez, Sis, give him some air already. Can’t have the little guy getting knocked out by your lethal lip locks just after his first win.”

Her time with you interrupted yet again, Ally grumbles before seductively whispering “We’ll finish this later” in your ear, getting one last kiss in once she does. Refusing to let go of you just yet, Ally turns you around to see Stacy and Lacy beaming at you. Stacy claps her hands while excitedly bouncing in place, sending jiggles though her body that you can hardly look away from. Lacy has her arms crossed beneath her prized chest, hefting it in a way she knows is able to grab your attention.

“Yippee! You did it, Tommy! I’m so happy for you,” Stacy sings.

“Yeah, not bad, Tiny,” Lacy says with an impressed smugness.”Keep it up, and we might not have to call you Tiny anymore. Just don’t let it all get to your head so much that you forget to show a little gratitude for all our help.”

You grimace as you think about all the ways Lacy and the other girls “helped” you until now, their careless teasing shrinking you down in no time flat. In the long run, you’d probably be better off if you hadn’t hung out with these girls all day, but your victory--as well as Ally’s TLC--has put you in a good mood. Plus, Lacy and Tracy did wind up giving you stretchy powers, which was just what you needed to beat Dulce Dolor. “Fair enough. Thanks for the all the help, Meatballs. Once I hit the big time, maybe I’ll even consider making you my sidekick.”

Lacy puffs her cheeks in a pout at your sarcasm, but Stacy chimes back in before the haughty redhead can retort. “Oh! And Touko sends her regards. Plus, right before we came out here, she told us to tell you that she’ll have a batch of antidote ready and sent to your dressing room real soon.”

Your face brightens at the good news, and, upon seeing this, Ally thinks this calls for a classic cheer. “Ok, girls, I know we normally save this cheer for when one of us wins a match, but, after all Tommy’s been through, I think we can make an exception, right?” The rest of the troupe agrees and gathers around you and Ally. “Three cheers for Tommy! Hip Hip…”


“Hip Hip…”


“Hip Hip...”

“H-HEY!” After gleefully tossing you in the air a couple of times, the cheerleaders are interrupted by someone rudely and effortlessly shoving their way through them. You’re in the air as all this happens and wind up falling face-first on a leotard-clad rack that’s both frighteningly enormous and frighteningly familiar.

“Not bad, little man.” You instantly recognize the voice and lift your head up to see Dulce Dolor’s face glaring back at you. She’s awake already! “I guess you were more of a threat than I thought. Color me surprised.” Your 2-foot body wobbles against Jesse’s imposing bosom, which effortlessly holds you aloft. Before you can try to squirm free, Jessie puts a hand at your back to keep you in place against her, making your heart race. There’s something about the firm way she’s holding you and the way she stares right through that makes you fear that she’s a big sore loser, and there’s no telling what she might do. “Especially towards the end there, when you had me in that sleeper hold. A string bean like you never should’ve been able to hold onto a bucking bronco like me. What’s your secret?”

Jesse’s gaze intensifies as you catch a predatory gleam in her eye, letting you know that this is no harmless question. She wants to know exactly what trick you pulled so she can counter it and crush you next time. You don’t answer (and not just because half your face is still pressed against her mighty bust). When Lacy found out about your strechiness, she exploited the hell out of it to tease you a little, but that’s still nothing compared to what someone as sadistic as Jessie might do if she learned about your gimmick.

Surprisingly, Dulce Dolor isn’t offended by your silent treatment, which scares you all the more. Her hold on you tightens. “That’s fine. You don’t have to tell me now. In fact, I’d rather find out on my own. It’ll make it all the more satisfying as I come up with new ways to crush you in the sweetest way possible, until you’re nothing but a twitching mess that’s begging for more.” Jesse’s provocative words and husky voice instantly make you think about some of the ways she could twist and tie you around her body, subjugating you to all the punishment her amazonian body can give, and the thought makes you shudder against her, which she feels. She gives a delighted purr. “Mmm, I might not even wait until our next match to do it.”

Before Jessie can get anymore excited, Ally quickly pulls you away from her, possessively glomping you to herself again while glaring at Jessie. Dulce Dolor chuckles. “Don’t worry, I won’t ruin your celebration with your little friends. But you’d best watch you’re back, little man. If you’re ever left alone backstage too long, you might be in for some more Sweet Pain.” Leaving her new prey be (for now), the Latin amazon leaves the ring and struts offstage, leaving a chorus of boos and cheers in her wake, and you can’t help but watch her as she goes, getting one last glimpse at the massive booty that left such a (literal) impact on you.
May 31, 2023
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