Not so sweet pain
· original author:
"He's up against Jessie..." Stacy murmured. Ally's eyes widened in what you could only assume was horror. You looked between all the girls, and when you noticed even Lacy looked sympathetic, you knew you were in trouble.

"Is Touko out of her mind?! Jessie will rip him apart! Especially at this height!" Ally finally finds her voice and what she has to say is enough to nearly stop your heart. Suddenly, Touko reappears from the stage as an intro song you would never have agreed to starts to play. Your new boss looks super excited as she practically shoves you out. Your legs feel so heavy that you stumble out to the cheers of the crowd. However the cheers quickly turn to laughs as they realize what you are wearing. You start to blush, waving nervously at the hundreds of spectators before turning to face the ring. What you see at the end of the ramp literally freezes you on the spot.

Standing in the ring is the single tallest woman you have ever laid eyes on. With her tan skin and dark hair and eyes screaming a Latin descent, but her sheer height has you thinking she was descended from giants. Her proportions are stunning, with a tremendous rack and even bigger ass squeezed into a tight black leotard that seems ready to burst at the seems. Her thighs are ENORMOUS... looking even bigger around than you are in your current size. You see her smile down at you, a look of absolute confidence on her stunning face, and you find yourself rooted to the spot.

After several minutes of you simply standing there, your music already having ended, the wrestler known as Dulce Dolor climbs out of the ring and makes her way over to you. As she comes closer and closer, your jaw begins to hang open as you realize the full extent of her body. When she arrives, you stare up at her voluptuous form. Your head is barely above her knees!

"You scared little man...?" Her voice is like honey, dripping with seduction. As she grins down at you, you know you have absolutely no chance against this amazon. You also know there is no point in lying, so you simply nod your head. "Smart, honest, and cute. A triple threat." Jessie bends low, her fantastic booty pointing to the sky for all to see, and whispers in your ear, "But absolutely no threat to me..."

In one swift motion, Jessie snatches you up and raises you into an overhead press. There are a mixed symphony of cheers and boos from the crowd as you helplessly struggle in her hands, but it doesn't matter as she carries you back to the ring and effortlessly tosses you inside. You are stunned for a few seconds but raise your head just in time to see Dulce Dolor stretch her massive leg over the top rope and climb in the ring. The bell rings and you can only gulp in terror.

You shake your head and slap your face a couple of times. This is your first real match! No matter what the odds are you aren't going to just quit! Steeling your courage you charge the titanic amazon. For a moment it looks like you are going to just crash into Jessie's thick thigh, but at the last second you dart around her and springboard off the ropes. You make to dive at her, but as close as she is the Latina simply twists her hips back at you and smacks you out of the air with a buttcheek the size of your entire upper body.

You lay on the ground, stunned by the effortless counter and trying not to die from embarrassment as the crowd laughs at your humiliating display. You look up and see Dulce Dolor grinning at you over her shoulder. "I didn't know you liked my ass so much that you would divebomb it like that. Can't say I blame you though," Jessie says grabbing a cheek with each hand and jiggling the amazing and enormous booty over your head. You watch, enraptured as the incredible butt ripples, taunting you. "If you want it that bad, I'm happy to give you a close up view."

Before you can register what the giantess is saying, she gives a light hop before her ass descends on your face like a meteor. The impact is so hard you feel everything from your neck down bounce off the mat before uncerimoniously crashing back down. Jessie grins, grinding her massive butt left and right against your face, feeling your nose digging deep into her crack. You scream and squirm beneath her, something she is both surprised and pleased about. She had honestly intended to end this with one move, but as she felt your desperate attempts to free yourself vibrating against her rear, she was thrilled at the thought of seeing how much you could take.

Jessie finally rises off your face and you gasp desperately for air. So desperately in fact that you completely miss the look of sadistic glee on Dulce Dolor's face as she stares hungrily at your straining erection. She lightly pokes at it with her boot, but considering the size of her foot, it is like she is casually swinging a hammer against your balls. Again feeling hopelessly outmatched and humiliated, you roll onto your stomach and try to drag yourself toward the ropes. Jessie just laughs at the sad attempt to escape and positions a foot on either side of your waist.

You have only an instant to brace yourself before another meteoric fall slams her monumental butt into your back. You cry out in pain, tears stinging your eyes from the weight of this woman's Goliath ass.

Unfortunately for you, Sweet Pain is far from done. Grabbing both of your wrists in one hand and the top of your head with the other, Jessie slowly and sadistically pulls back on you while your body remains trapped beneath her mammoth rear. You scream in agony as Dulce Dolor puts you through the strangest and most painful camel clutch anyone has ever seen. Everyone quietly stares in shock at the torture the giantess is putting you through. The way she is holding you makes it impossible to tap out and you are crying out in too much pain to surrender. Most people would likely have been broken in half by now, but amazingly your tiny body was still in one piece, albeit a VERY painful one.

After several minutes of suffering, Jessie releases your arms and climbs off of you. However, she keeps a tight grip on your skull and pulls you up with her as she stands. Sweet Pain lifts your body by your head, dragging your face over her soft, powerful form. She starts with her thighs, up to her crotch, over her soft stomach, and between the lovely valley of her tremendous breasts. She rubs your face against her mountainous cleavage to humiliate you one last time before lifting your helpless body to look her in the eye.

"Alright little man. I think it's safe to say that it's over. Ready to beg for mercy...?"
May 31, 2023