You and Sadie go to with Tammy to her room
Tammy smiles expectantly at Sadie as the Southerner cutely tries to stammer out her answer, but, try as she may, she can't come up with an excuse that'll be sure to get rid of the perky blonde without revealing her embarrassingly amorous antics with you. Everything she's tried so far just gets thrown back at her. Eventually, she gives up with a sigh. "...should we head to my room or yours?" Maybe if she just gets this over with, it'll go by quicker, then she can get back to her private time with you. You'd be more concerned that you don't seem to have a say in this matter if you weren't so busy trying to desperately hold your shorts up while hiding your erection.

"Ooh! Let's go to my room," Tammy sings. "The bikinis I need refitted are there, after all, and I think I have some tools and material our cute, little tailor can use."

"Uh, sure, darlin'. Let's go," Sadie responds un-enthusiastically. Leading the way, Tammy practically skips ahead out of locker rooms while Sadie lags behind, clearly disappointed she didn't get to finish things with you. You try to keep pace between the two of them but, not only do you have the disadvantage of much smaller legs, but it's also hard to move around while struggling to hold up your now huge pair of shorts. You only manage to get a few steps out of the locker room when your shorts make you stumble. You manage to catch yourself before falling flat on your face but at the cost of dropping your shorts, fully revealing your naked body to the world.

Tammy looks back and notices your plight, though she's unable to hold back a smile when she spots your fully visible hard-on. "Aw, poor little guy. He can't walk with those big shorts on, but he can't be seen walking around here naked either. Anyone could see him." She reaches for you. "Maybe I could hel--"

"N-no worries, darlin'! I got it!" Getting protective of her new little beau again, Sadie quickly comes from behind and picks you up before Tammy can. She pulls you against her and drapes your smaller chest with her arms. You feel the back of your head sink into Sadie's soft, freckled cleavage as her huge tits spill past the side of your head. Intending to use her huge, curvaceous body to hide you from the outside world again, Sadie sways in place a few times to show off to Tammy how well she's taking care of you. "See? The little dumplin's fine. No need tah worry your pretty, blonde head about 'im."

Sadie's ruse might work on anyone who sees her from behind, but anyone who walks by and glances at her front could easily see a small naked man squirming against her, a flaw Tammy notices. "Good idea, Sadie, but it's not enough. I can still see enough of Tommy to know he's there," she says as she eyes your hard cock flailing in the air amidst your struggles. "Here, let me help." Following Sadie's lead, Tammy turns around and backs into the two of you. You gasp when you feel the familiar sensation of Tammy's wide, round rear pressing against your crotch and stomach, her tight black leggings doing nothing to hide the immense heat you felt from before. She leans her back against your face, pressing your head deeper between Sadie's breasts as she attempts to hide the rest of you with her body. "If we keep pace like this, we should be fine." She reaches down and grabs your now useless shorts. "I guess I'll hold on to these like I'm holding on to your pants," she says to you from over her shoulder, briefly twirling them with a finger.

With these two huge, voluptuous women pressing at you from both sides, you can hardly be seen by the outside world now, so, if they move quickly enough, no one should be able to notice you before you reach Tammy's room. You feel Tammy rub her soft ass back and forth against your crotch as she settles into place against you, clearly very satisfied. "You all primed and ready, Tommy," she asks you, though--between Sadie's soft breasts covering your head and Tammy's ass pressing the wind from your lungs--you're clearly unable to respond. "Then lets go."

Both girls begin their trek to Tammy's room with you stuck between them. Tammy hums contentedly as she marches along with you right behind her. With every step she takes, you feel her ass sway dramatically against your cock, rubbing it in just the right way (how much of that is she doing on purpose, you wonder). On Sadie's end, you hear her occasionally grumble to herself as her breasts bounce against you. She's clearly a little annoyed with Tammy's way of "helping" you, but it's not enough to diminish her fear of getting caught with naked, little you. Whenever she and Tammy walk by someone who gives them a curious look, you feel Sadie's body nervously tense up, squeezing you even more, as she further presses into Tammy.

Little do either you or Sadie know that Tammy's been subtly prolonging this trek as much as she can, relishing how much she's been able to tease you throughout it. She purposely takes you on the long, roundabout way to her room, leading you through long hallways and sharp turns while her big ass playfully bounces against you every step of the way. Along the way, she occasionally stops without warning, and she forces herself to hold back a giggle whenever she feels Sadie walk into her, the Southerner inadvertently pressing your cock more firmly against the blonde tease. "Oops, sorry. My darn shoelace keeps getting untied," she usually says as a lame excuse before slowly bending over to fix it, letting her huge ass tense and flex against you as she gently wiggles her hips.

After about the third or fourth time, Sadie gets impatient and asks, "Not to be rude, darlin', but why is this taking so long? Shouldn't we be at your room by now?"

"Sorry, Sadie, I got a little twisted around," Tammy fibs as she gets back up. "But don't worry. We're almost there." Tammy leads you all down another long hall (silently enjoying the last of her time with her ass against your crotch) before taking you inside her room. She skips forward, giving you a chance to breathe, before turning around and sticking her arms out with dramatic flair. "Tadaaaaa!" After closing the door behind her, Sadie finally sets you down, and you take a look around. What you see is a dressing room built for two that's practically split down the middle. One side of the room has a lot of color, with flashy posters, magazines, and outfits strewn about the furniture. Clearly that's Tammy's side. On the other side, you see blank walls and grey hand weights sitting next to some exercise equipment and a simple closet. That must be Sammy's side, though she doesn't seem to be around at the moment.

Breaking your train of thought, Tammy bounces over to you and bends over, giving you a full view of her hanging cleavage before asking, "See something you like?"

Tammy's flirty act doesn't go unnoticed by Sadie, neither does your ogling of her huge tits. She clears her throat and says, "Ok so we're here, Tammy. How should we get started with this tailorin' business?"

Still flaunting her tits in front of your face, Tammy looks up with a smile and says...
May 31, 2023