Someplace private with Sadie
You follow Sadie along as she gives you a grand tour of the venue. As you walk around, she points out all its different facilities and locations. "Over here's the ticket booths. The main stage is down over yonder. Ooh, looky here! That there's one of our snack bars. I've always got a hankerin' for the grub they got there." Excited to be your guide, Sadie quickly points out anything worth mentioning, even going on to explain that the other half of the building, where the wrestlers reside in their dressing rooms, is stocked with luxurious features, like a lounge, a pool, a gym, and even a spa! This place is huge. You'd be more impressed if you weren't trying so hard not to stare at Sadie's huge ass, which bounces distractingly with every wide sway of her hips. You're not sure if she's doing that on purpose, but, regardless, you try to keep focused on the matter at hand as Sadie continues talking.

After walking for a little while, you eventually notice that Sadie has stopped talking as much, and you catch her sending a few happy glances your way. "Um, everything alright, Sadie?"

Distracted, Sadie says, "W-what? O-oh, of course, shuga! I was just wonderin' if you were enjoyin' our little tour. I ain't never done this before, so I ain't too sure if'n Imma doin this right."

Noticing she needs another confidence boost, you smile to reassure Sadie. "You're doing great, Sadie. I'm enjoying every minute of this. So, where to next?"

Sadie smiles gleefully at your words then bites her lip in a moment of hesitation. "Well...I reckon I know just the place. This way," she says before leading you down another hallway.

You eventually reach the locker rooms, and Sadie shows you around inside. "As you can see, little feller, this here's our locker rooms, where some of the girls get ready right 'fore a match or right after one," she says as you walk. You notice that no one else is here. "Since there ain't no matches happenin' right now. We get the place to ourselves. Lucky us." You wonder what Sadie meant by that as she leads you to the back of the room, where it's less lit, and stops.

Confused, you ask, "Something the matter, Sadie?"

She turns around and gives you an amorous look. "Not at all, shuga," she coos as she steps closer to you. "I just got so excited from your smooth-talkin', city-slickin' words from earlier that I just wanted to find a place all nice and quiet-like tah spend time with you, my new beau."

New beau!? That's not what you wanted at all! You step back in hesitation as Sadie keeps stepping towards you. "Boyfriend!? Wait, hold on, Sadie. I think there's been a misunderstan--mmmmph!" Sadie affectionately pins you against the wall with her large, soft body, her freckled breasts silencing your attempts to reason with her.

"Aw, don't be shy or nothin', shuga," she says. "It's just the two of us here, so we can take our time gettin' tah know each other better." Peeking up from her cleavage, your panicked eyes look on as Sadie grabs your arms with hers, easily overpowering you with her body. Hoping to entice you like she did on the elevator, she gives you a big kiss, moaning in pleasure as her tongue invades your mouth and her big, curvaceous body rubs against yours.

Sadie releases you from the kiss, leaving you blushing and gasping against her. "Wait, Sadie. I'm not your boyfriend. If this is about what I said on the elevator, I didn't mean it like that. I-I just wanted to make you feel better."

Sadie, assuming you're still being shy, is un-phased, but she steps back, freeing you from the wall. "Oh, is that right," she asks. Just when you think you're getting through to her, she turns around, presenting her big ass to you, and says, "So you're saying you don't like this big ol' booty o' mine? Cause I reckon there's a stiff little friend of yours that says otherwise. Let's have a looksie." Sadie pulls on her denim shorts, giving herself a wedgie that shows off her pale, meaty cheeks, before shoving her huge rear against your face, once again pinning you to the wall and silencing your protests with her succulent flesh. Bending over and putting her hands on her knees, Sadie rubs her ass up and down against your head, nearly suffocating you with her butt and marking you with her feminine scent. You desperately slap at Sadie's ass hoping that she'll free you, but she she just thinks you're being playful. "Heehee, that's right, shuga, smack that big ass," she says as she continues to tease you with it.

As you get lost in Sadie's ass, you feel your mind go numb, and you can't stop the erection growing in your shorts, which Sadie notices. "See, little feller, you really do love my big booty," she says. "No sense being shy about it." Sadie reaches down and starts toying with your cock, making you writhe against her. She giggles before pulling her ass off you, leaving you gasping for air."So, shuga, does this mean you wanna be my new beau after all? Cause there's plenty more where that came from," she says with a wink.

Dizzy and aroused, you have to be careful about how you answer. You don't want to upset Sadie or lead her on, but, with what she just put you through, it's really hard to think straight.

What next?
May 31, 2023