You don't answer Sadie right away, mostly because you're still reeling from all her teasing, which Sadie thinks is cute. She giggles and spies your hard-on for her, taking that as your answer. "You aint so bad yourself, darlin'," she says, also still excited from fooling around with you. Facing you again, she says, "Now, my new little beau, how about we--"

"Um, hello? Is somebody there," you hear a familiar voice call from across the locker room.

"Tarnation!" Sadie jolts in surprise and panics at the sound of footsteps heading in your direction. She doesn't want to get caught fooling around with a guy in the locker room (her momma would be powerfully disappointed in her), so, in a split-decision, she tries to hide you. She pins you against the wall with her larger body again, this time pressing you much harder than before. You feel your smaller body sink against her as she hides you with hers, your face sinking into her white Southern valley of cleavage while your erection gets trapped between her soft, thick thighs. Sadie feels you squirming against her and gives a strong squeeze to keep you still. "Keep quiet, little feller, and we'll finish this later," she whispers as the footsteps approach.

"Oh hey, Sadie, what's up," you hear the voice pleasantly say, and you quickly recognize the voice as Tammy Lee, the bubbly girl from the elevator earlier.

Keeping you pinned against the wall with her body, Sadie nervously cranes her head to look at Tammy, who's still clad in her gold bikini. "O-oh, hey there, darlin'! I didn't see you there. What're you up to," she asks, trying to act natural. Tammy's a sweetheart, but she's not exactly the brightest knife in the crayon box. If Sadie can play her cards right, Tammy might leave before she can notice you.

"Nothing much," Tammy casually responds, still unaware of your presence. "I just came back for my bag." She holds up a gold, sequined bag. "Silly me: I left it here after the match I just had," she adds, cutely knocking herself on the head for her klutziness. After a moment, Tammy notices that Sadie hasn't turned to face her yet. "By the way: why are you standing there like that," she asks. "Is something wrong?"

Sadie's heart skips a beat at Tammy's questioning, fearing the worst. You feel her body nervously tense up around you, her huge breasts pressing firmly at your head and straining her plaid shirt while her thighs squeeze your cock harder. In the heat of the moment, Sadie comes up with the best lie she can. "W-well, um, I-I just done had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction, is all. This shirt o' mine just can't handle my girls sometimes."

Tammy nods knowingly. "Ah, yep, that'd do it." She steps closer, much to Sadie's dismay, and asks, "Want me to help with that?"

"N-no, thanks, darlin'! It's too embarrassin'. I got it," Sadie says, trying to ward her off. In her alarm and desperation to hide you, Sadie presses the wall as hard as she can and squeezes her breasts together, fully submerging your head with her flesh.

"Oh, don't be like that, Sadie. It's not like it's the first time I've seen your tits," Tammy comforts as she gets closer. "And having big areolas isn't that embarrassing. Some guys really like it," she adds. When she reaches Sadie, Tammy gives her a curious look. "Hmmm?"

Just as your heart is racing from the extreme arousal you're in, you feel Sadie's heartbeat rapidly thumping through her breast, letting you know just how nervous she is. Try as she may to hide you, parts of your arms and legs are sticking out. If Tammy pays close enough attention, she may see you.

What next?
May 31, 2023