Wriggling deeper, into the dark, fleshy depths
As you look forward, deeper inside Lola, a sensation of attraction fills your mind. You do not why, a part of you wants to go deeper still, perhaps, all the way inside the woman. Perhaps it’s the warmth radiating from deeper; perhaps is the feeling of protection and safety deep inside her that instills you. This are but some of reasons that you can think are stilling you this desire. None of them feeling predominant over the others.

All that you're certain is that you're going deeper, no matter the reasons behind it. You want to see what's like deeper, deeper into Lola.

You start to wriggle, moving as best you can while being surrounded by flesh that contorts and twist around you, pulsating at the rhythm of a woman's heart. Your actions don't go unnoticed, as you hear Lola moaning in pleasure. You hear her muffled words, which somewhat reverberate all around you:
"Mmm...Dennis...parece que realmente...quieres explorar mis...profundidades...espero...que no te...moleste...si me vuelvo...un poco más...mojada...ahí abajo..."("Mmm…Dennis…it seems you really…want to explore my…depths…I hope…you don't…bother…if I turn…a little more…wet...down there...")
As she says, you notice that in fact this place is getting a bit more wet, as vaginal fluids increase all around you.
You don't mind at all, and an idea flashes out in your mind. A way to give Lola a "answer". You lick a bit, which provokes a higher moan to be heard from above. She clearly like it, and you heard her saying, now with a more calmed and steady tone:
"Vaya, parece que me escuchas, ahí abajo...a ver: si me entiendes fuerte y claro, respóndeme, con dos lamidas."("Wow, it seems that you hear me, down there... let's see: if you understand me loud and clear, answer me, with two licks.").
You do it, and she moans again, before recovering her composure for the moment. She says, while giggling a bit:
"Jeje, no pensé que alguna vez encontraríamos una manera de comunicarnos incluso cuando estás en un lugar como ahí abajo, Dennis. Me atrae la idea de eventualmente juntos, crear una especie de código. De esa manera, podremos comunicarnos, sin importar dónde estés dentro de mí."("Hehe, I didn't think we'd ever find a way to communicate even when you're in a place like down there, Dennis. I'm drawn to the idea of eventually together, creating some sort of code. That way, we'll be able to communicate, no matter where you are." inside of me.")

Creating a code of communication for inside-body instances? That was a very good idea, and probably an exciting one to develop. Lola could count you in.
To signal this, you licked one last time, while massaging one of the walls in a circular motion with a hand. Lola noticed this, and say after moaning a bit:
"Muy bien, parece que te gusto la idea. Sabía que podía contar con tu entusiasmo en esta materia. Ahora...continua yendo más profundo...me encanta cuando te mueves así..."("Okay, you seem to like the idea. I knew I could count on your enthusiasm on this matter. Now...keep going deeper...I love it when you move like that...").
This words prompt you to keep going further down, inside her. And with the sound of slightly louder and faster heartbeats, combined with the gentle moans of pleasure, you continue your journey into the depths.

And eventually, your efforts seem to pay off, as in front of you is clearly the end of the tunnel. For in front of you, lied Lola Cervix. The entrance towards her uterus, and the end of her vagina.
You stay still, knowing that you had accomplished your goal. Now, all you need to do was going all the way out. Lola noticed your stop, and you can feel in your back something pushing you from above. Most likely, she is feeling your form inside her vagina with one of her fingers. She has grown calm again, and her heartbeats are normal. You heard from her saying:
"Bien hecho, jovencito. Al parecer llegaste al final del túnel. Ahora, ¿quieres que te ayude a salir más rápido? Lámeme una vez en señal de aprobación, y dos si prefieres salir por tu cuenta"("Well done, young man. Apparently you've reached the end of the tunnel. Now, do you want me to help you get out faster? Lick me once in approval, and twice if you prefer to get out on your own.")
You start to think about those option, until a thought hits you: this is not the end of this journey, merely is the final step towards the ultimate end.
With this in mind, you start to move, which immediately caught Lola attention, which says surprised:
"¿Que estás haciendo? Llegaste al final, no hay más..."("What are you doing? You've reached the end, there's no more...")

Before she can continue speaking, you insert your hands inside her cervix. This provokes a tremor, as Lola moans surprised. She has now realized what you're up to, as she says:
"Denis, ten cuidado, no sé...que pasara si...continuas..."("Denis, be careful, I don't know...what will happen if...you continue...")
She stops speaking and starts moaning louder and louder, while her fluids start to pour into you from beyond the cervix. You have found the origin of her fluids.
But that’s not all: as soon as you inserted your hands, the cervix started to pull you inside. You are forced to immediately straighten your body as best you can, because it does not seem to be pulling stronger with every pulse. If you had any regrets, they would have to wait, for there was no way you could fight the pulling motion now that it had started.

Like a hungry creature, her cervix pulls you deeper and deeper, while Lola moans higher and higher in pleasure. In the end, with a final strong pull, you're pull all the way into her uterus.
You look around, while you heard Lola calming down. She then says, gasping a little:
"Ah... ah... ah... wow, Dennis, nunca pensé... que... tendría... a... alguien... allí... después del nacimiento... de mi última hija... Se siente... agradable... y emocionante ahora tener a un jovencito como tú allí en lugar de un bebé por nacer".("Ah…ah…ah…wow, Dennis, I never thought…that…I would…have…someone…there…after the birth…of me." last daughter... It feels... nice... and exciting now to have a tiny youngster like you there instead of an unborn baby.")

You can watch one of her hands caressing the flesh above you, the light from outside filtering thought her skin. You can imagine this is a view that a baby would watch, if babies were conscious. Thankfully, you were not a baby.

All of your wriggling has exhausted you, and you're more eager than ever to sleep at last. Yet, on the other hand, you still have enough energy left for a final action. If you actually would prefer to sleep somewhere else.
In the end, what path do you follow now?

May 29, 2023