Dolores' Dominating Dumptruck Derriere
[Note]: As I usually do when taking over the free choice chapters, you can choose to ignore this chapter and continue the previous one with any ideas you come up with.

"Well, you proved your point, you won! Just take him out now, please..." Miriam's annoyance changed into frustration, though she was relieved that her friend's crazy testing didn't make things worse. She could tell that Dolores was enjoying it more than she should too.

"Alright, alright... oh!" Dolores replied rather dismissively, but then she clenched her butt again and noticed something. Your tiny form got even tinier! And the way it tickled the sensitive skin in her crack was almost driving her mad with pleasure. She didn't ever expect that something so small could feel so great, but more importantly, this led her to reformulate her previous assumptions. She slowly stood up, making sure that she took you along and with a few more clenches she dragged you deep enough into her massive crack to ensure you wouldn't fall off.

"Now what?" Miriam raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I think I just figured it out" Dolores replied.

"Figured out... what, exactly?" Miriam crossed her arms, wondering if Dolores had finally lost it, but that seemed unlikely, since she was often the wisest one among their group.

"Everything... about this thing that happened" Dolores said.

"Really?" Miriam's curiosity overshadowed her other emotions. Dolores was wise, but she didn't think she'd be able to figure everything about about something as complex as shrinking specially when that seemed to be more Zuleima's area of expertise.
"Then, how did this happen?" She asked sincerely.

"Okay, maybe not everything" Dolores chuckled "I don't know the technical aspect, like if he used technology or magic or something else... but I do know other things, like why"

"Huh?" Miriam tilted her head, feeling more confused already. Dolores turned around and walked towards her, and when she was really close she leant towards her ear to whisper.

"He's doing this shrinking himself" After hearing that, Miriam's eyes widened in shock.

"What? How? Why? I mean... why would he do that to himself?"

"Because it seems he wants to experience a woman's big ass like no one else before" Dolores added, smiling more, which made Miriam blush but also feel ever more confused about everything, nothing was making sense to her.

"Wait... why are you so sure?" Miriam asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Very simple... when I sat on him, he shrank smaller than he already was..." Dolores explained, and so far, Miriam nodded in agreement, and the look in her eyes prompted her to continue.
"And now that I sat on him again, he got in my crack..." Dolores couldn't help but keep smiling as she spoke.
"And well, you heard what happened just now..."

"I'm honestly surprised he's still alive" Miriam said with noticeable concern "But then what? It sounded like there was more"

"Yup. After that fart, he got even smaller~" Dolores playfully whispered but Miriam's eyes widened in shock. She couldn't believe it, and she couldn't understand why you'd do that. Were you planning on using that trick with the girls? She wondered. A part of her was also mildly envious, wondering why you didn't do this with her instead.
"Here, let me show you" Dolores then turned around and nonchalantly reached into her huge ass, digging into her equally enormous crack. With the sheer size of her massive booty and your greatly diminished size, she struggled to fish you out but she enjoyed it. When she pulled you out she looked from over her shoulder, and by the feel of your tiny body alone between her fingertips she could tell you'd gotten drastically smaller than before.

"...what..." Miriam muttered in absolute disbelief. But the reality was right there, smacking her in the face. You were a mere fraction of the size you were when you first shrank. In fact, you were small enough to easily fit under any of their fingernails. [Note: current size - 1/10th of an inch]

You were the most surprised out of everyone. You were shaking with fear, the world had already become incredibly intimidating before, but this scale was ridiculous! Dolores' fingernail looked like it was the size of a building to you, and your mom's shocked face was far bigger than it already was. You couldn't even understand how you shrank, or why, but you were already worried that Dolores seemed to have caused it twice. What would happen if you shrank again? Would you go microscopic? Would you literally vanish into the nothingness? Or maybe undergo an even worse fate, something that could even surpass death?

"As you see, he got smaller when he got up close to this nice, big booty of mine" Dolores confidently said, bringing the finger you were on closer to her titanic backside, which had immediately become the most terrifying sight ever. Unbelievably large before, Dolores' gigantic meaty cheeks looked like they were cosmic bodies larger than planets and weirdly enough, eager to imprison you yet again, that was a vibe you felt.
"I have to admit that not even I understand exactly why he wants it at that size" She chuckled, lightly spanking herself, making her immense ass jiggle uncontrollably for a couple of minutes.
"It has to be like, millions of times bigger than he is right now..." She giggled but then threw Miriam a more mischievous look.
"But maybe that's exactly what he wants~"

Miriam was simply too stunned to respond, but slowly nodded, acknowledging what she just had said.

"Oh sweetie, I really am flattered you like this big butt that much" She said to you, giving you a teasing wink as she brought you closer and closer to the middle of her titanic ass.
"I did mention that you'd be real unlucky to find yourself lost back there today in particular though" And just as she spoke, her stomach made some ominous-sounding gurgles.
"But then again... it looks like it's exactly what you want" She giggled and your eyes widened in horror. You barely kept up with what was happening right now, and hearing her say that scared you so hard you briefly wondered how your heart hadn't stopped already.
"Very well then, I may not understand how you're doing this but I'm more than happy to please" Dolores then used her free hand to pull the back of her puny thong, something that was a struggle in its own right but it didn't take longer than a few seconds to pull it back far enough to open a space leading into the deep, dark valley that was her crack.

"Mom! This is all wrong! I'm not shrinking myself! You screamed, but unfortunately your voice was too quiet to be fully heard by them. All they could make out was that you appeared to be agitated, which, unfortunately for you, both women mistook for eagerness. You only realized of this when Dolores' finger resumed moving and Miriam looked on, doing nothing to stop her. The skyscraper-sized finger was bringing you lower and closer, dangerously so to the abyss she called an asscrack, a vast, dark place that you feared would become your grave.

"Mom! Help!" You yelled to no avail.

"Ooh! He's really excited!" Dolores noted with delight, carefully holding you between her fingertips and dangling you millimeters above the back of her thong.
"And here I had been worried, trying to hold them in" She giggled "No point in doing that anymore, right? I never thought I'd find someone who'd enjoy these farts with me~" she said in an almost dreamy voice.

"N-n-no! Lolita, please!" You uselessly pleaded, though at this point you knew it fell on deaf ears. To your horror, she then let go, dropping you into her abyss. She'd actually brought you so close to her crack that you fell straight into it rather than the back of her thong, which she nonchalantly let snap back into place right after. You fell for what felt like miles and miles without touching anything until a massive wall of fabric rammed into you from behind and made you hit one of the colossal gelatinous masses at your sides, sinking into it before bouncing right off into the other one. Everything around slightly shook as a result.

"He's already tickling me back there" Dolores said, but Miriam was still frozen in disbelief, trying to process and piece together everything she had just taken in these last minutes, it was definitely far too much for her. Without further warning to neither her nor you, a truly gigantic, 10 seconds-long fart escaped from her enormous ass, making the whole of it ripple while the ground around her slightly shook.

To you, it was like taking the entirety of the world's nuclear arsenals condensed into the single deadliest nuke ever, a raging explosion of heat, sound and smell unlike any other, which dwarfed not only Dolores' previous fart, but also your mom's, and she was particularly loaded today. You kept panicking harder and harder, you were incredibly small and somehow got trapped in the most dangerous place in the world, one you didn't even know how truly dangerous it was up until now.

With no time to recover, another thunderous, rumbling hurricane exploded from the depths of her abyssal crack, blasting you with even greater force, making you feel as if you'd get pulverized and vaporized all at the same time, you could almost feel like you were getting shaken at the cellular level. And the noise, the noise... it was a nearly incomprehensibly deafening booming series of rumbling pulses that'd put any of Lovecraft's abominations to shame, the roar of a truly monstrous beast.

Dolores sighed in satisfaction, the way you vibrated with her massive farts was beyond all her expectations. She felt she had made the right call after all. She teasingly wiggled her hips, bouncing you between her cheeks and spoke again, though she wasn't entirely sure if her voice reached you...

"I almost can't believe you signed up for a whole day of..." She then unleashed a bigger, longer and louder monster fart that rumbled for half a minute before it died down "...those..."
May 12, 2023