Jordana's proposal - Micro edition Pt. 1
" my husband" She whispered. You could swear you heard a thousand glasses shatter into countless pieces, loudly echoing inside your head. You just heard something impossible, something that made no sense, something you were never meant to heard. You shuddered again and shook your head in disbelief.

"You've got to be kidding... You're kidding, right?" You mumbled while your brain panicked the hardest it ever had, unable to cope with the info that had just been dumped onto it and getting all sorts of erratic inputs from the rest of your body all at once.

"Not even I would joke with something that serious" She said with a smile "But I understand the reaction. I'm sorry I haven't been the best of friends lately" She then said with a hint of sadness but recovered from it rather quickly.
"I know this comes out of the blue, but I'm legit worried about you and after what I've seen I decided to take matters into my own hands"

"What do you mean 'after what I've seen' ?"

Jordana took a deep breath and nodded, agreeing to explain "For starters, I have no idea why neither Jen nor Lillian made their move yet, but maybe they're like you and they have no idea about these political changes that are gonna affect our lives"

"Huh?" You then began blushing "I mean, I haven't gotten that close to Jen yet! And I'm sure Lillian doesn't like me that way..."

"Bruh! Are you kidding me right now? Lillian's practically head over heels for you!" Jordana facepalmed with her other hand, making a thunderous boom that startled you, but she apologized.
"She sucks at sending cues, I know... but still..." She huffed "The same can be said for Jen, I see that you had no idea... Anyway, Lillian's not the only that has kept tabs on you, and like I said, what I've seen has been worrying"


"Your aunt Karen and Celeste were the first to try to ask your mom for your hand in marriage but fortunately your mom laughed them out of your house the first time and completely rejected them the next time. Then came Arianna..."

"Wait a minute, what the hell?!" You asked. You knew that Celeste probably would try to pull a stunt like this, but you didn't think her mom would actually support her. But way more confusing was the fact that Arianna would come, as far as you knew she despised you, and given the size you were currently at, she'd probably see you as an actual bug to squash beneath her heels.

"I dunno exactly why she came to see your mom, but I know that she too asked her to become your guardian for some reason" Jordana shrugged.

"That's crazy, she hates me, why would she want to see me more? She probably has enough of dealing with me at school" You thought out loud, scratching your head trying to put the puzzle together.

"Beats me. But your mom turned her down too, and Arianna seemed pretty frustrated about it" Jordana said, but then she gave you a cheeky smile "And it only gets more interesting from there..."


"Lulu also came to your house and asked your mom for your hand in marriage too" Jordana said, barely being able to contain her laughter.

"WHAT?!" You almost fainted. Lulu joked that she'd want to date you after graduation but you never imagined that she'd actually go and ask your mom to actually marry you.

"I heard most of their conversation, lemme tell you that she nearly had her convinced. Your mom said she'd think about it"

"You've got to be frickin' kidding me!" You grabbed your hair, almost pulling it in consternation. That was the most embarrassing moment in your life even though you apparently missed it.

"Oh, but there's more" Jordana said "Weirdly enough, Zoey's and Zuemy's mom also came to see your mom, and she basically offered that you marry either of her daughters. Don't ask me why but she sounded pretty damn serious about it"

"What the hell is going on with everyone?!"

"Guess you're quite the eligible bachelor, more than you probably think, huh?" Jordana gave you a teasing wink.

"Right now's not the time for jokes" You sighed "Okay, so everyone and their grandmother decided they want a new pet, isn't that right?"

"Hmm not really. Other than Arianna, whose motives we really don't know, I don't think that's the case... I mean, even Celeste supposedly wants you as her husband... but we know how obnoxious that brat is. But Lulu and even Zuleima showed a legit interest in you"

"Okay... this is a mess, I don't even know how to get out of this one" You looked down in defeat.

"That's why I'm here!" Jordana said, trying to cheer you up "I'm offering you a way out"

"But why would you marry a twerp?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, hey! I have never called you that!" Jordana frowned "I call you squirt... but that's supposed to be a kind of endearment term" she chuckled.
"And, answering your question... I'm willing to take care of you, to keep you safe. I think I've got a ton of things to atone for, but it's not out of pity" She then lowered you down to her lips' level.
"If you give me the chance, I want you to fall in love with me" She whispered. You shuddered once more, but this time you were blushing intensely since you never saw that one coming, not in a million years.

"What..." It was all you could say, you were beyond baffled.

"Awww, come on! I know you find me attractive at the very least" She said with a suggestive wink and lowered you farther down, before her humongous chest, at your size, a literal pair of round, bouncy-looking fleshy mountains.
"You were pretty comfy on my thick, juicy thighs too" She added, lowering you until you hovered very close to the vast, pale meaty expanse, and that was just one of her thighs, which at normal size already were stupidly huge, like actual tree trunks, though soft like marshmallow.
"But you know what my very best feature is" She said as she brought you to the side of her hips, she was sitting down on the bed in your room, but even like that, her gigantic asscheek was like the largest domed stadium ever, it was way bigger than even mountains, but it was all round, well, slightly squashed given her sheer weight... but still, it was an incredible sight and oddly enough, a certain part of you did find it arousing.
"I know it's big, it's the biggest ass around if you don't count Dolores or your grandma Xóchitl" She boasted "But I don't want you to be afraid of it anymore" She said apologetically "I won't force you to be somewhere you don't want to... but I'd really like it if you gave it a second chance" She said, lightly patting her cheek with her other hand, making what to you surely was like billions of squishy fatty flesh jiggle and ripple near uncontrollably, it was a spectacle you couldn't tear your eyes off of.

Jordana then straightened up while depositing you in the middle of the huge imprint her humongous cheek had left on the bed. It was too large to be called a crater, this round indentation looked like it might hold lots of cities in your scale with plenty of room to spare. You also felt a rather intense warmth, but it was comforting as the air was slightly chilly, presumably from the A/C.

"Whenever you feel like it, you could feel where that warmth comes from" Jordana said, giving her immense hips a teasing shake, making the titanic fleshy planetoids she had for cheeks jiggle and wobble as if they were entirely made of jell-o, which might not be too far from the truth. A couple of minutes later, she picked you up before sitting down again on the same spot.
"If you let me, I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe, warm and protected from everything" She said sweetly.
"I already managed to get your mom's consent and blessing... Phew! You have no idea how many frickin' hours it took me to convince her!" She then said "She didn't believe I cared enough about you... and she spent hours lecturing me and chastising me on how I treated you in the past" She huffed "Which, being fair, I totally deserved, but still! I'm trying to save you from something worse and she was treating me like I was the bad guy here"

"I'm sorry about that" You tried apologizing, but she interrupted you before you could continue.

"Don't. It's not your fault, and I kinda had it coming... Anyway, it took me A LOT of time, but in the end I managed to convince your mom that my feelings for you are genuine" She said, batting her eyelashes at you.

"Wait, what?!"

"What? You thought I was just going for a pretend-marriage?" Jordana's look was rather cryptic, like she could be offended but she could very well just be messing with you some more.
"Nope, not at all! You may not believe me when I say this but I... I do love you after all" She said in a quieter, embarrassed tone but she didn't break eye contact as she spoke. You gulped in response.
"Yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking right now" She rolled her eyes up "I know that for a long time I've been just the Big Bad Jordana that even gave you nightmares" She said, looking away for a moment "But in all fairness, I've never hurt you like we both think the likes of Arianna would... the most I've done is sit on you, shove you down the back of my underwear, put you in my cleavage or on my boobs and a few times to have you pressed against or between my thighs"

You gulped again, the way she said that made it sound like it was a pretty common occurrence.

"But not every single time was intentional! Almost half of the time I didn't even know you were there! Like that one day I had just come to play videogames with you and accidentally bumped your nightstand on my way out. You got entangled in the back of my lace thong and I honestly didn't feel you between my cheeks" She said, a faint blush rapidly intensified as she told you about that past experience.
"I wouldn't have eaten so many tacos at the Salsa Shack if I'd known you were there" She added, patting her tummy.
"I'm already plenty gassy as it is... and you didn't need to be there for the Tacopocalypse that ensued later that night" She giggled guiltily.

"So... about this... what's the plan then?"
May 12, 2023