Aunt Betty?! (Pt. I)
"Oof!" You got some air knocked out of you, the second time today after Jen's surprise attack.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite nephew!" You heard a familiar female voice say, and when you looked at the face of your "attacker", your eyes widened and snapped you out of your thoughts, as this was utterly unexpected.
"A-Aunt Betty?!"
She smiled and kissed you on the cheek while ruffling your hair with a hand.
"Hehe, sorry, I saw you were a little distracted..." She said, but she was still pinning you against the wall with her hip.
"It was nothing... what are you doing here anyway?" You asked and she stared at you as if you were crazy. You mentally panicked and wondered if you had just said something wrong, but then she burst out laughing.
"Oh my god..." She said in between fits of laughter and it took her a couple of minutes to calm down, but when she looked at your face again she raised an eyebrow.
"Wait... are you for real?" She said
"Hey girl, I think you really need to ease up with that gas of yours, it's starting to mess with my poor nephew's brain!" She shouted, and you looked to the side, just noticing that Jen had been standing near the other side of the kitchen, and she blushed slightly when your aunt spoke. Still, all of this brought even more questions.
"Well, it's Sunday and that means I'm not working... so, where else would I be?" She said
"Oh, sorry, I had no idea you'd be coming over, I think I forgot..." You laughed awkwardly
"Coming over? Sweetie... are you feeling alright?" Betty looked at you with genuine concern, and used the back of her hand to feel you forehead's temperature
"Did you get hit in the head or something?" She said after realizing your temperature was normal
"Then how could you forget that I live here?" She asked, and by the look of her face you could tell she wasn't lying
'You WHAT?!' You thought, but outwardly, you tried to act normal, barely keeping a poker face
"I mean, my work as a model has me go out most of the day, and sometimes I have to take trips, but I always come back! It's not a home without my precious sister and my favorite nephew!" She said, petting your head some more
"Uh... Sorry... I think I had a weird dream or something, and wasn't sure yet if I was completely awake..." You said, trying to downplay this whole series of discrepancies. Fortunately for you, she bought it and laughed.
"Oh, that happens sometimes... I understand..." She said
"Yeah, sometimes it feels like you just wake up in a completely different world, huh?" She added, making your eyes widen for a split second, but you recovered fast enough for it not to be noticeable. You still nodded in agreement.
"Anyway, do you need something, hon?" She sweetly asked
"Not much, I was just going to get something to eat..." You replied
"Oh, true! Jen did say that you missed breakfast or something..." She said
"You really need to take care better care of yourself..." She said next, and caressed your face
"You're such a handsome young man, but if you get sick or skip meals you could ruin those good looks..." She said in an odd tone, it was stern, motherly, but also vaguely flirty sounding all in one. You instantly blushed beet red and gulped, but that only made her laugh more.
"Don't worry, I'll cook up something just for you..." She said as she finally stopped pinning you to the wall with her hip, and gestured at you to take a seat in the kitchen rather than the dining room. She then turned around and went to the fridge. She walked with quite a noticeable sway to her hips, and you couldn't help but stare at her huge jiggling butt, it was a lot bigger than Jen's, and looked much softer too. After a few seconds of this sweet trance, you somehow snapped out of it and decided to refrain from staring more, afraid she'd catch you staring, but you quickly realized she had seemingly tuned out the rest of the world, and was solely focused on her task at hand, which was to make something for you to eat. You took some guilty peeks at her jiggling assets as she hummed a quiet tune and reached for various things in the fridge.

Soon, she was done and closed the fridge with a mighty hip bump. Despite it being a large and heavy door, it was closed with rather tremendous force, and she giggled at her unintended display of strength. She walked (while happily bouncing her enormous hips once again) over to the area next to the dishwasher to actually begin preparing the food. You were unable to pay complete attention to the dish she was making, as you struggled to peel your eyes off her amazing curves, and also finding it odd amongst many other things, as you didn't remember Aunt Betty ever intentionally teasing you... but then again, this might be unintentional, though the amount of sway and bounce in her steps seemed almost exaggerated.

A couple of minutes later... She finished cooking, she made a gorgeous-looking plate of scrambled eggs, with some nice seasoning. It was a simple, homely food, but it smelled superb. Yet another oddity, however, as you recalled that Betty seldom had enough free time or energy to cook, relying instead on premade/frozen/easy to cook food, and occasional stuff your mom sent her. Despite having grown up in Mexico and having learned a lot of its cuisine, she claimed her skills were much rustier than your mom's, though the little food she made you tasted wasn't half bad. Still, this put even some of your mom's dishes to shame, and that was on smell alone.
'Huh, I dunno what this is, but maybe this 'other world' isn't all bad...' You thought, for the first time poking fun at what could be a really deep issue, but you'd eventually get around to trying to solve it, for now, you needed to eat and to gather some more info, maybe there was some other explanation for all of this. You touched your left arm under your shirt's sleeve, the faint electrical burns you got earlier were still there, the only proof that your abnormal experience ever happened.
May 12, 2023